Anything important/noteworthy come up at any of the council meetings?
Agreed to fund Dev. Advocate through end of June '25, more below.
AWS spending, see below.
Member meeting at WOLFcon, where to take this?
twice a year, once in-person at WOLFcon, once virtual
focus on growing membership
How do working groups happen? Spread beyond CC, have CC member lead and recruit WG members from across FOLIO
Tri-council meeting prep
Discuss next steps for Eureka adoption, including timelines, action items, etc.
Raise the desire/need for more awareness of development efforts outside "the community" teams - maybe the CC can help with this.
2-directions: Awareness of development activity occurring at different organizations, and awareness of best practices for FOLIO (languages, frameworks, conventions...)
Suggest the idea of periodic meetings to "show and tell"/raise awareness of development efforts - scripts/tooling/modules/etc.
Including ideas, and work in progress. Not just finished work
Raise the topic of dev team onboarding - is there a better starting point for those wanting to join than the RMS group?
Maybe RMS group is the place, but with more involvement from others, e.g. PC/CC?
KM: RMS group is currently mainly about managing the timeline.
JC: need is to hear what work is intended, understand what other parts of FOLIO will be affected, and how to direct the incoming developer/team
Maybe Dev. Advocate has a role
Meeting hygiene - TC and PC dipped their toe in the "international meeting times" pool... how'd it go? Next steps?
Maybe try alternate approaches: e.g. ask those who can't usually attend council meetings (e.g. Asia/Pacific) to drive this; generate the agenda, and inform the councils when meetings are needed.
Gather ideas for what we can accomplish this year
used this process last year, had 4 things to work on
Two things for this year (large):
Funding for community- and institutional-directed development; finding ways to bring institutions together who have common goals and combine funding
Tracking enhancements and improvements
Need a PC vision for what FOLIO can be
create an overarching set of priorities that focus on consistency
30 min
Updates on progress with AWS costs and possible discussion
@Simeon Warner
@Christopher Spalding
AWS spending, agreed to three principles
Community should pay for truly shared infrastructure
UAT will be part of shared infrastucture
Individual development teams should have dev environments funded by their funding agencies
Will reach out to dev teams/sponsors currently using shared infrastructure about transitioning to this funding model
We can always talk about new projects involving funding, need to have conversations in time for appropriate planning
20 min
Developer advocate role
@Simeon Warner
@Christopher Spalding
Contract is up in mid-October.
Focus on the role and funding of it.
Agreed to fund Dev. Advocate through end of June '25, to develop success criteria
Will be considered in the FY26 budget planning
Anecdote: Jeremy has been approached by a developer who is not affiliated with a FOLIO institution, but who would like to contribute.
10-15 min
Update on Eureka / Application Formalization, impacts on community
Need to get current tri-council group to wrap up. Target Nov wrap-up
Would like to get Eureka RFC in
Want to write a recommendation to adopt Eureka for agreement by other councils
write to-do list for successor group
JH raises: As point of process, Application Formalization and Eureka seem to be independent and would rather see them considered independently
KM agrees that App. Form. seem separate from the infrastructure changes. If tri-council wg is to go forward, would like to know more what you’re agreeing to.
2 points
Security implications have an effect on the product in the market place.
Application formalization features are an enabler but expect an iterative approach.
Eureka seems like runs roughshod over community if adopt first and RFC later
CS: from EBSCO perspective, expect the RFCs to come out and that there will be changes suggested that EBSCO would implement
OS: application formalization mechanisms will come with Eureka and application bundles will be iterative, but first draft will come from whatever EBSCO provides
ML: Vince has been very clear about Eureka enabling a number of things, the detailed implementation of which will be determined by community
CS: It seems like this is seen as coming out of the blue, but EBSCO has been talking about a number of these things since Hamburg, so it’s unclear what’s off
SW: the carrot seems like community buy-in helps with more swift adoption
10 min
Feedback from the Wednesday member (& perspective members) meeting
@Kirstin Kemner-Heek
@Simeon Warner
What did we learn about what membership means to people and what might encourage membership?
This was an kick-off meeting to give something to the members something other than the councils (KK-H)
General agreement this was a good idea, short time to implement
Next meeting(s): dedicated agenda in advance
need to explain difference between general community and Membership, what responsibilities come with membership
CC to form an articulation of this and vet with the other councils
one goal is more funding and leadership engagement
Need way for results of members meeting need to become actionable
maybe by funneling to councils
want to focus on results
councils seem like executive body for the community and membership.
In order to be an executive body for the community to be effective is to have resources
Idea for further reducing AWS costs
Could find member institutions to host some community who have hardware and operations staff to host shared environments?
Running of membership meeting
Closed to members or open to all?
Unclear going forward, this time explicitly sent email to attendees with idea of recruiting some new members
Should member meeting be run by members and not by the CC
10 min
10 min
How can smaller libraries engage in the community?
@Alexis Manheim
What barriers are there to membership (financial, time, etc.)
What are ways to engage and drive involvement with small libraries even if they are not members?
Not enough of resources (people or cost).
We’ll have more as the solution becomes spread across different types of libraries.
Engage where they are to see how they can be involved. Ask questions when at the beginning of engagement on where they would like to get involved.
New fees model (smaller at first, full after 5 years).
Target communications to implemented libraries.
Survey engagement.
Small library consortium (e.g. an EBSCO consortium).
Public libraries group with a liaison to the councils.
Engagement, plugin point, for smaller organized groups d groups would be into Community Council. (Colombian User Group, Mid-Atlantic User Group, Small Library User Group, Public Library User Group).
Engagement should be outbound from the Community Council.
20 min
Understanding community feelings and desires
@Alexis Manheim
In the past we’ve had “what could be better about FOLIO?” surveys
Maybe try something new? More specific/focused, perhaps avoid some of the in-the-weeds topics
How to make the release process smoother
Product quality & testing
PC planning to do CSP retrospective, looking at better sample data
Desired outcome: Something concrete like the formation of a working group, etc.
Cross council working group to gather information. One person tasked with building survey with engagement from all councils.
Add to future Tri-council meeting to make further decisions.
Look to pull people from organizations that are not represented on the councils.
20 min
Term limits and council participation
@Simeon Warner
General consensus that the term limits are good.
Flexibility might be considered, but good to have new rotation (new energy and new ideas).
Mentorship of new council members.
Noted that as people roll off of council seats, people to tend to continue to engage.
Pipeline discussion
Reaching out to consortial members, colleagues, how to build a pipeline for sustainability.
Question regarding opening up council roles for people outside of community membership
End of council seats suggestion; people that show up let’s do the work. Interesting thought, but rejected by current council members as interest in the service model (responsibilities).
Nominations committee idea. Articulate that you do not need to be an expert. Leverage past council members for the committee.
ACTION ITEM: add to CC agenda to pull together committee.
Time Permitting
Global participation and time zone inclusiveness (PC and TC experiments)
@Simeon Warner
@Alexis Manheim
PC suggestions above noting outreach and offer to other time zones with agenda topics proposals addresses this agenda bullet.