Discussed AWS expenses, both to control immediate costs while not impeding progress and to understand long-term principles that guide what the community covers.
We have agreed on budget for FY25 that include $360k for AWS and spends down our reserves by $112k but will still leave $82k carry-over to FY26
A sub-group is working in the long-term principles
Discussed governance model and agreed that we would not consider a major review/adjustment at this stage. A sub-group will propose minor changes to clarify and bring the document up to date. Will need review by all councils.
Decided to plan and in-person meeting of CC + PC/TC co-chairs + officers to discuss community vision and evolution. Will be March in DC @ LC
Discussed support request from Better Sample Data WG
Sub-group is meeting to plan next member meeting
PC: @Caitlin Stewart & @Alexis Manheim
Have endorsed mew functionality that was brought to the council
Working on updates to the review process for new functionality. Sub-group working on this including alignment with TC process, and want more open communication with POs
Working on goals proposed at WOLFcon
TC: @Jenn Colt & @Craig McNally
Numerous module evaluations including mod-reporting, mod-serials-management, and several in progress regarding linked data
mod-reporting was interesting because it went hand-in-hand with discussion of go-language for app development
Ongoing conversation about voting rules that have led to some awkward sitatuations
Spent lots of time on Eureka report that is main subject of this call
Also took on two new members in TC (Josh Greben from Stanford and Kevin Day from TAMU)
A question came up in a customer meeting. VuFind now supports SSO, but when we move to Eureka, will Keycloack then replace SSO?
VuFind is a separate application so not coupled. It should not matter whether FOLIO is using Okapi or Eureka
chat: VuFind authenticates against the institutional IdP, which releases an identifier for the user that VuFind can use for interacting with FOLIO on the user's behalf. In our case, we release the patron barcode to VuFind, and VuFind uses that to ask FOLIO for list of items charged our, hold requests, and all of those other patron empowerment features. So, while we have not tested it here, I expect that FOLIO moving to KeyCloak should have no affect on how VuFind acts on behalf of the patron.
This applies if the site has configured to use FOLIO as the source of user authentication, as opposed to using institutional SSO
No, this is login of the VuFind system user
Timeline question - this bugfest for Ramsons trying to test both Eureka and Okapi which has been a big lift. If we move in the proposed plan then would we just be testing Sunflower with Eureka?
Yes, that is the plan
Follow-on, will community be ready for Sunflower? Perhaps that timeline will slip given delays with Ramsons?
Sunflower release date questions has not been addressed by release managers
Re. migration time, very few people migrate on initial release either because waiting for initial CSPs or to allow more time for testing. Proposal would be work to do migrations as part of Sunflower adoption
Eureka hasn’t come up much in SIG conversations, wonder what the role of PC is in ensuring that SIGs discuss the right things
Permissions will be important
Application formalization principles need to discussed and will have to have teams work with the SIGs to get all classifications worked out
When we talk about using Eureka for Sunflower is that also with a single agreed set of application definitions? (At the time of Wolfcon last year there were two different ones being used by Kitfox and FSE from what I remember
There was a technical reason why kitfix had to use a monolithic application, that is probably resolved
However, do expect to agree on a set of applications for Eureka release
Does this change effect API use? Will it change endpoints and queries?
Endpoints and module code not changed, except for things directly part of Okapi/Eureka
Auth should still be the same - mod-login-keycloak replaces mod-login with same API contract. However, if there is tooling that talks to Okapi to set things up then these will change. More on the systems/hosting side and not user facing.
When should work on integrating 3-rd party tooling that uses Okapi to set things up happen? Can that happen now or do we need to wait for Sunflower
This can happen now. The Kitfox teams has snapshot environments that run Eureka and will be available in Bugfest
How long will early adopter program take? And how will this be taken into account with the timeline? ie. If Sunflower set for March, is this enough time? And what if a showstopper shows up?
Early adopter has two parts: 1) for EBSCO customers like NLA and Cornell, no sysops but user perspective, and 2) GBV and soon Index Data, maybe TAMU soon, which will look at system operator side. Timing depends on all of these institutions
Ramsons will be delayed so this will likely have knock-on delay with Sunflower
GBV is hosting in a non-AWS environment, will share the experience
Where is the complete Eureka documentation populated
It's unfortunately not yet consolidated into a single place. If there's specific documentation you're looking for I can help you find it. As mentioned earlier, we have a technical documentation person who will soon been pulling it all together, identifying gaps, etc.
How do we define showstopper and how would we handle results from early adopter? Should there be any scope reduction in Sunflower to focus on the behind the scenes Okapi to Eureka change?
There is nothing in the timeline for seeking feedback from the early adopters (or using that to inform Eureka adoption)
Suggestion that almost all Sunflower feature works is well in-flight and relatively little overlap with those working on Okapi to Eureka
Timeline as sketched is an ideal, a goal. Jenn suggests that we continue to flesh out how to incorporate feedback into the timeline, following the intention to move to Eureka with Sunflower
EBSCO has indicated that their support will move to Eureka in Sunflower. There will be a big community ask to support Sunflower on Okapi if that is decided
Can perhaps map out contingencies
Community likely would not go to Eureka without EBSCO in case that EBSCO decides not ready – seems very unlikely, EBSCO has already tested and proved Eureka
If both community and EBSCO decide ready, all OK – ideal path
Key contingency is community not ready, but EBSCO ready
An alternative would be to think about times for moves rather than release dates, could we think about when people move from Ramsons to Sunflower?
If do adopt Eureka with Sunflower then the community has one year to get ready for the move since we keep up Ramsons for a year
The EBSCO facilitated bugfest will be only Eureka for Sunflower (as opposed to both Eureka and Okapi for Ramsons). This should affect the way we thinks about options
Next steps:
We ask councils to take this back to individually discuss and approve the goal of migration to Eureka with the Sunflower release (CC doesn’t meet until Jan 27)
Aim to discuss issues on the tri-council Slack channel