App | Notes | Jira | Product Owner |
Requests | Optional columns now available: Effective call number string and Pickup service point. They can be added in the Actions dropdown. Both columns are sortable. When sorting the effective call number string column, the sort is based on a normalized effective call number string (effective shelving order) which excludes prefixes from the sort. A user can do a basic "starts with" search for a call number, with or without a prefix. If the search within Requests begins with the call number (no prefix), it will only search the call number. It will not yield results for any searches that include information beyond the call number (e.g., suffix, copy number +). | ||
Settings > Tenant > Locations | Improvement in UI for navigating through the location tree in Settings. The number on "institution" now links to the number of campuses; The number on "campus" now links to the number of libraries; the number on "libraries" now links to the number of locations. | (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifeeuntil mid-August | |
Settings > Tenant > Locations | Improvement in navigating through the location tree in settings. If you choose menu options in a specific area of settings, the choices will "stick" if you go to other areas of the locations tree or settings. That way you don't have to reselect options from the drop-down menu every time. Note that each part of the tree is distinct - e.g., if you go to libraries and select institution A and campus B to display library C and D, and then you go to the campus page, it will not have anything pre-selected. | (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifeeuntil mid-August | |
Circulation rules | The circulation rules now have the metadata object, allowing libraries to see who last updated the rules and when. | (OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifeeuntil mid-August; after, ask in #resource-access | |
Bulk edit | The Bulk edit app allows suppressing from discovery item and holdings records. The app also supports bulk editing item notes. The functionality covers adding a new note, changing the note types, duplicating circulation notes, updating part of the note and removing notes. | ||
OAI-PMH | New option has been added to allow libraries to harvest from inventory only. This id the extension of the previously supported harvests from SRS or SRS and Inventory. OAI-PMH will provide information about bad data encountered during the harvest so that the data can be corrected by libraries without the need to reaching out to hosting providers. The logs of bad data are available in the OAI-PMH settings page and are available for up to 30 days after the harvest completed. OAI-PMH performance has been further improved and supports up to three concurrent harvests (two full and one incremental). For the consorcial implementations, in addition to the tenant level harvests, OAI-PMH supports also cross-tenant harvests allowing one harvest started in the central tenant to harvest data from all tenants continuously. | ||
Data export | For consortial implementations, data export supports exporting shared instance records from member tenants. | ||
Inventory > Advanced search modal | New modal in Inventory to perform advanced searches
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Inventory > Create original MARC bib | Added functionality to create original MARC bibliographic records from the quickMARC UI, accessed via a new Action in Inventory. Requires new permission: quickMARC: Create new MARC bibliographic record | ||
quickMarc | Bibliographic records: proper order added for field 008 | ||
quickMarc | Added display of the link button in the reference view, when adding a term to a bibliographic records from the authority. | ||
Inventory > Create bound with relations | Added functionality to add bound with relations as one item linking to multiple holdings using the edit function in Inventory | ||
Inventory > Call number browse by type | Added the ability to browse by specific call number types: Dewey, LC, Local, Other scheme, SuDoc, and NLM. Added normalized sorting for both SuDoc and NLM. Note that in order to support this implementation, the mentioned types are now uneditable in the Inventory settings. All call numbers can still be browse interfiled in the Call numbers (all) option. Effective location (item) facet: In this release, if items on a single Instance have call numbers of different call number types, when browsing by a specific type, the locations of all items on that Instance will appear in this facet. | - UXPROD-4327Getting issue details... STATUS & - UXPROD-3569Getting issue details... STATUS | |
Automated authority linking > Changing which linkable MARC fields can be enabled for automatic linking permission. |
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Settings > Circulation > Fee/fine > Overdue fine policies. Accordion: Reminder Fee | Business logic for scheduling Reminder fees is implemented, and it's possible to set up and send reminders to patrons via email. | - UXPROD-2015Getting issue details... STATUS | |
eholdings aop > Packages facet | Feature: eholdings app Packages facet What: Ability to filter title results by Packages facet Note:
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Title level request holds | Libraries can now choose whether title level holds should fail or succeed, based on circulation rules. (Through Orchid, holds always succeeded, regardless of circulation rules) |