2017-11-06 Reporting SIG Notes



  • @Sharon Beltaine
  • @Ingolf Kuss
  • @Katalin Lovagne Szucs
  • Robert Sass
  • @Joanne Leary
  • @Anne Highsmith
  • @Peter Murray
  • @Charlotte Whitt
  • @Simona Tabacaru
  • Scott Perry
  • @George Stachokas
  • @Doreen Herold
  • Vince Bareau
  • @Harry Kaplanian
  • @Michael Winkler

  • @Christine Wise


  • Review Reporting Milestones
  • Discuss Reporting Scope
  • Cover follow-ups from Previous Meetings
  • Refine Business Requirements
  • Develop plan for working with other SIGS on Reporting Requirements

Discussion items

5minAttendance, notetaker, additional agenda items?Sharon

notetaker: Michael Winkler

10minReview Reporting Milestones document from Katalin: What date does the first set of 2-week sprints begin? What reporting tools are in common use now in libraries (Michael Winkler), e.g., Tableau, Crystal Reports? Other comments or questions?All 

 Notes on review of Reporting Milestones document. Questions on document:

  • What are people using?
  • Is this a 24 month development cycle?
  • Data transfer standards?
10min Discuss reporting scope: how do we define this more clearly? How broad is the scope?All 

 Scope Discussion:

  • batch jobs definition - regularly scheduled, minimized parameters
  • what systems do we need to report to

5minFollow-up: Results of MARC Subgroup MeetingIngolf, Sharon, Joanne, Michael, Scott
  • We need all marc tags - for filtering, selection, or reporting?
  • discussion regarding locals tags - need to be available to the reporting tool
  • Subgroup will meet again
5minFollow-up: CODEX expert identified to meet with Reporting SIG?Katalin (PO)Vince Bareau
5minDeveloping our business requirements: tagging (Vince?), synthesis, etc.Alltabled
5minPlan for coordinating with the Resource Management SIG about reporting codes for acquisitionsGeorge?George to provide update on this next meeting
5minAdditional questions and answers, action items, follow-ups?Allnone
5minBuild agenda for next meeting (November 13, 2017)All

MARC Fields update

V2 Business Requirements?

CODEX discussion

Coordination with other groups

Update from George on RM SIG, tagging, reporting codes

Action items

  • Sharon sets up MARC Field Subgroup meeting to incorporate MARC Field Requirements into Business Requirements