Integrations - Open features and known gaps


Lead Time



For self-checkout, checkout and return at desk.

Reported by Uschi. Belongs to RA SIG. There is no JIRA ticket, yet. A real GAP !

User Authentication

Authentication beyond SAML : LDAP, OAUTH, Grouper, Active Directories, ...

UXPROD-778 - Getting issue details... STATUS


APIs to financial system

UXPROD-1145 - Getting issue details... STATUS (EPIC)

Electronic Resource Management

Knowledge Base for Electronic Resources (e.g. SFX)

UXPROD-148 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-150 - Getting issue details... STATUS - no details. Due to API issues SFX via KBART



UXPROD-1160 - Getting issue details... STATUS


UXPROD-350 - Getting issue details... STATUS   

UXPROD-993 - Getting issue details... STATUS - No client support


UXPROD-148 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1514 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1517 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Cataloging Record Sources


UXPROD-976 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Clarity needed. Could be a specific feature for OCLC as this is single record


"ZF" features, UXPROD-560 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-990 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Resource sharing

ILL & citation managers

UXPROD-990 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Financial integrations

Export LMS patron info into external systems

Can we supply that as a daily report ? As an edge API ? A file to be transferred ?

At Cornell, it currently only supports files.

It needs analysis. Are there requirements for batch export 

A Push or Pull ? 1. Take a query, export all the objects that match that query. Take it to an API. OR: 2. Will the external system be able to query FOLIO; then we need an edge API. → This sounds like a case for the workflow module.

We need an edge API. But does it match the other systems ?

Take a pull, re-format it and load it into FOLIO. Maybe we have to write something for the Banner API. That would be up to the University of Alabama.

Payment systems

UXPROD-800 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1145 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Other Library Integrations

Self-Check out

Lookup "sip"
Reserved Management Integration

UXPROD-561 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Course Management Integration

UXPROD-791 - Getting issue details... STATUS , but need integration feature

Archives Management

UXPROD-566 - Getting issue details... STATUS , needs detail

Special Collections

UXPROD-562 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IR (Institutional Repositories)

APPIDEAS-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - Needs a feature



UXPROD-409 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-565 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UXPROD-1516 - Getting issue details... STATUS


UXPROD-567 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-354 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Real time availability API

UXPROD-567 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-355 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Patron empowerment tools

UXPROD-567 - Getting issue details... STATUS

FOLIO-355 - Getting issue details... STATUS