Quesnelia UAT - Organizations - Donor Information

Quesnelia UAT - Organizations - Donor Information


Test environment: https://folio-dev-thunderjet-2nd-diku.ci.folio.org/

Test credentials (privileged donor information): donortest/donor

Test credentials (no privileged donor information): test2/donor

Jira feature:  UXPROD-1018 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Feedback form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=yjb6UNN98USePxvzmjljpUfvxSk5Rc5KvLiTjVD9V7dUMzc3S0FPUjNXV0Y2RjJRTzZYMERVVjJFNC4u

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The feedback form generally follows the steps listed below. We suggest filling out the form as you work your way through the test.

  1. Log into the test environment (linked above) using the account with organization and donor permissions enabled.
  2. Navigate to the "Organizations" app
  3. Click the "New" button
  4. Fill out the required fields along with any optional fields you wish. Be sure to check the "donor" box. (Note that an organization can be both a donor and a vendor. Purchase orders must be assigned to a vendor organization.)
  5. Create and add at least one Privileged donor contact (Add privileged donor → New)
  6. Save your donor organization.
  7. Navigate to the "Finance" app and switch to the Fund tab.
  8. Create a new Fund by clicking "New"
  9. Fill out all required fields. For "Ledger", please use "Gifts".
  10. Expand "Donor information" and assign at least one donor to this fund (ideally, the donor created above).
  11. Save & close the fund.
  12. Under "current budget" click "New" and assign some money (any amount will work as long as there is money there).
  13. Navigate to the "Orders" app.
  14. On the "Search & Filter" pane, select the "Orders tab
  15. Click "Actions - New"
  16. Fill out all required fields and any desired optional fields. Note that only Organizations of type "vendor" can be used here. Click "Save & Close"
  17. Under "PO Lines", click Actions - +Add PO Line
  18. Fill out all required fields and any optional fields. Do NOT enter any Donor information yet. (Please note that you can either look up a title or manually enter a new title.)
  19. Under "Fund distribution", select the fund you created in step 8.
  20. Scroll up to "Donor information", expand it, and verify that the donor(s) associated with that fund are now associated with this PO Line. Feel free to add or remove donors as you wish.
  21. Click on Save & close
  22. Click the "X" at the top left of the PO Line pane and again on the PO to close out of that PO completely.
  23. On the Search & Filter pane, click "reset all" to clear all searches. (If "reset all" is grayed out, you can skip this step.)
  24. Click the "donor" facet, expand it, then search for the donor you had previously created. The PO Line you just created should show up as long as you didn't disassociate that donor from the PO Line.
  25. Navigate to the "Organizations" app.
  26. On the Search & Filter pane, click "Is donor" and set it to "Yes". The organization you had created previously should appear.
  27. Log out, then log back in using the account with privileged donor information disabled.
  28. Navigate to the "Organizations" app.
  29. Locate the donor organization you had previously created. Confirm that Privileged donor information is NOT visible.

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