2023-01-23 - Technical Goals/Objectives Discussion



Discussion items

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Craig McNally will take notes

*Technical Council Goals & Objectives


  • A while back the CC asked the PC/TC to review a set of high level goals and objectives.  
  • The TC determined that it was worthwhile to refine the list, leading to the formation of a working group
  • Additional pain points were identified/provided by other groups, e.g. SysOps SIG, etc. and worked into this TC G&O draft:

Goals for today:

  • TC approval of this list
  • If approval cannot be attained today, define concrete action items to get us there.


  • What is the purpose of this document?
    • To serve as a declarative list of things "we" (the TC and FOLIO project in general) intend to be working on
    • Helps identify where different efforts intersect
    • Are these goals and objectives for the TC?  Or for the FOLIO project in general?
      • The project in general.  The TC will be involved in some capacity - endorsing solutions, forming working groups, organizing, communicating, etc.
  • Is the expectation that development (or other) "resources" would be allocated to working towards these goals/objectives?
    • Not necessarily, but worth considering in some cases.  
  • Document Review:
    • Immediate Initiatives
      • These are things which are either currently in progress, or which require immediate attention.
      • One of these may be larger scope than just the TC... (standardized community terminology)...
        • Suggestion:  Tod Olson to adjust wording of this bullet to indicate that the TC is involved, but this is really a larger effort spanning multiple groups/councils.
    • Short term initiatives
      • These also may already be in progress, or (hopefully) starting soon (~1 year timeframe).
    • As we review this document, it seems daunting/overwhelming.  Is the TC really going to "own" all of these things?
      • Much of this has come from community pain points.  
      • Is this declarative or imperative?
        • A little of both...
      • Maybe reframing this as "FOLIO technical goals and objectives" makes it easier to digest.
        • These are things the project intends to work on, and since the TC's role is to provide technical oversight/guidance the TC will be involved in some capacity.
    • How are we intending to use this document?
      • A lot of discussion... Difficult to keep up with notes → go back and update based on recording and/or summarize
    • Suggestion:  Take the dates/timeframes off of this, and reframe this as "possible goals and objectives".  Publish this and start using it;  revisit periodically (quarterly?)

Next Steps:

  • Tod Olson to review the notes, and try to make some adjustments to the document as per the suggestions above.
  • Check in on this effort during the usual subgroup status updates.  If needed we can use another dedicated topic discussion meeting to wrap this up.

Action Items
