System Administrators' Guide

System Administrators' Guide

This wiki space is dedicated to the self-documentation of the system-administrative work of the members of this group.

It is meant to be a space to collect documentations of our own installation experiences which might also be useful for others.

This should include a gap analysis of what is missing in the existing documentation.

This wiki space is meant to become a "laundry-list", which means a list of documentation that a system administrator would need to be able to install/deploy, manage and update a FOLIO installation. It can also be called a best practices guide, or an administrator's guide, or an operations guide. The idea is to pull together existing documentation, identify the gaps, and write or request new documentation.

The laundry-list should give answers to the following questions:

  • What need to be contained within the documentation ?
  • What do we need to know from Stripes to Okapi all the way down to how the modules work ?
  • What are known pitfalls in setting up the system ?
  • What works as a starting point ?

Table of Contents:

  1. Existing Documentation
  2. Gap Analysis
  3. Deployment Environments in SIG members' institutes (Our Deployment Guides)

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