Corsair Release Readiness Checklist - Q

Two sprints before feature freeze (184) 

  • Update Features' statuses
  • Identify which features are at risk and the "at-risk" label to the feature and escalate to stakeholders
  • Clean up Q backlog 
Product owner

  • All user stories tied to features should be written and estimated. 
Product owner


  • Identify features that require e2e tests 
  • Identify features that require Karate tests

  • Conduct user acceptance testing 
  • Product owner (maybe a SIG member can help write tasks?) 
  • Team needs to setup an environment for UAT

  • Conduct or create user stories for performance/load testing. See
Types of tests
Product Owner writes user stories. TBD who will conduct. 
  • Document Potential Risks and Risk Mitigation Plan

One sprint before feature freeze (185)

  • Update Features' statuses
  • Identify which features are at risk and the "at-risk" label to the feature and escalate to stakeholders
  • Clean up Q backlog
Product Owner
  • Prepare data for Bugfest
  • Create user stories for Kitfox that outline your needs and instructions
  • Please consider how to test long lists/tables 

Migration/module upgrade documentation checklist 

Migration Plan

  • Step by Step instructions for module upgrade
  • New Infrastructure: N/A 
  • Config Changes:
  • Schema Changes: JIRA issues created 
  • Data Migration:

Migration Testing

  • What are the configuration Changes?
  • What are the schema Changes?
  • How do we test?

Any breaking changes? 


Re-Indexing for release upgrade? For bugfest? Consortia test environment? 

  • Required
  • Timing 

PO and Dev lead

Accessibility Testing

  • Conduct or create user stories for performance/load testing. See Types of tests
  • Document Potential Risks and Risk Mitigation Plan

Please add risks below : 


Feature freeze sprint (186)

  • Update Features' statuses
  • Identify which features are at risk and the "at-risk" label to the feature and escalate to stakeholders
Product Owner
  • Prepare data for Bugfest (ECS and non-ECS)
    • Create user stories for Kitfox that outline your needs and instructions 
      • FWIW - I think settings needs to be cleaned
    • Please consider how to test long lists/tables 
PO and Dev lead

Accessibility Testing

  • Conduct or create user stories for performance/load testing. See
Types of tests
Product Owner writes user stories. TBD who will conduct. 

Sprint before Bugfest (aka Business Acceptance Testing) period (187)

  • Update Features' statuses
  • Identify which features are at risk and the "at-risk" label to the feature.
Product Owner
  • User stories: update Release field for those stories/bugs/tasks/etc that will not be done for the release. 
Product Owner
  • Generate Release Artifacts (see Orchid) and link to Release notes 
PO and Dev lead

Team meets with Kitfox to review upgrade instructions. 

Team's accept Bugfest ECS and non-ECS builds. 

  • Teams must conduct smoke tests to verify key functionality works as expected BEFORE Bugfest is made available to community 
  • Teams must document 
    • App/module not ready for testing 
    • Issues yet to be resolved
  • Deployment verification? 
  • Meet with FSE hosting to review release notes/instructions
  • Regression testing? 
  • Conduct performance/load testing. See
Types of tests
Product Owner writes user stories. TBD who will conduct. 

Sprint before GO-Live 

  • Update Features' statuses
  • There should be no at-risk feature 
Product Owner
PO and Dev lead 
  • Complete remaining performance/load testing. See
Types of tests
Product Owner writes user stories. TBD who will conduct. 

Go-Live sprint

  • Teams must conduct smoke tests to verify key functionality works as expected
  • Testing: All Karate tests and e2e tied to release functionality should be done and running 
  • Add/Review release notes 
    • flag any known items with the label  known-issue-<<release>>
PO and Dev lead