2024-04-05 Meeting notes

2024-04-05 Meeting notes


Apr 5, 2024 5am Eastern Time https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94290835056

Meeting ID: 942 9083 5056 

Meeting Recording


  • @Laura E Daniels

  • @Charlotte Whitt

  • @Tara Barnett

  • @Andreas Mace

  • @Martin Scholz

  • @Tiziana Possemato

 Discussion topics







Brief recap of previous meeting (March 21)


WOLFCon proposal

Chris & Laura submitted a proposal for a 1/2 day pre-conference workshop

(see description below)

  • are there other proposals we’d like to submit? (new deadline)

Next steps


Topics / guests for future meetings

Demos of editing tools

  • JCricket

  • Sinopia

  • Marva

Group discussion of common challenges across editing environments (e.g., granularity, deduplication, storage, source of truth/governing record)

Diagram of metadata flow (asynchronous work?)

Outline of general principles (asynchronous work?)

Additional properties needed in Inventory to support LoD (discuss with MM SIG)




WOLFCon pre-conference session description (proposed):

Because FOLIO is format-agnostic, it is well-positioned to enable libraries to make the
transition from traditional MARC-based cataloging processes to a linked open data
production environment. Many initiatives will the goal of making this transition possible are
underway, but they are at various stages of readiness and still require further development.
These evolving conditions make it difficult for librarians to assess the timeline for
implementing a fully functional linked data production system and determine what local
infrastructure and workflow processes will be needed. This workshop will include
presentations, demonstrations, and panel discussions that will: 1) provide an overview of
work being done with linked data editors (e.g., MARVA, Sinopia, JCricket), as well as future
work needed; 2) consider the various linked data workflows, both data-centric and peoplecentric,
that are being imagined; and 3) offer the perspective of an institution that is
currently operating in a linked data environment, including how are they doing it, why are
they doing it, and why they choose FOLIO.

 Action items


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