Linked Data Interest Group

Reading List

Some essentials on Bibframe/Linked Data/Semantic Web

A must read: Bibliographic Framework as a Web of Data: Linked Data Model and Supporting Services
Library — this is the original document with the Bibframe proposal. It's from 2012, but a lot still holds true.


A 2014 book, that has lots of information on Linked Data (that also appears on some of the videos i posted below, just in case):  Linked Open Data -- Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data

Here's the Direct PDF link.

LC Bibframe site: has a LOT of information.

A very educative video, on RDF, ontologies and Semantic Web: 


A Linked Data introduction


An RDF Introduction (it says it's "unavailable", but you can click on the little "watch on Youtube" link, and then you can see it).


Another RDF intro


and if you feel technical enough, some on JSON-LD


If you feel more adventurous, you can browse the MADS and MODS schemas:



Also! The category view of the Bibframe Vocabulary: