2023-04-04 FOLIO Implementers Meeting Notes






Recommended Resources and Pre-Reads

  • FOLIO Documentation: https://docs.folio.org/docs/metadata/inventory/marcauthority/
  • Wiki Page: MARC Authorities
  • Validation Rules: MARC Authority - System updates and quickMARC validation rules
  • Presentation by Khalilah at a recent MM Sig meeting: 2023-03-23 Metadata Management Meeting notes
  • Try it out in Snapshot! https://folio-snapshot.dev.folio.org/marc-authorities
  • Remarks from Lisa Robinson from Michigan State via slack:
    • Michigan State Univ started doing authority work in Folio in August 2022. We had a catalog freeze (both cataloging & authority work) from June 9 to 20, 2022.  During that time we sent the bib records were were migrating to Folio to our authorities vendor for re-processing.  (We did not migrate most of our e-resources bib records to Folio.) The authorities re-processing did 3 things: 1) generated a new authority file for us 2) cleaned up the URIs in our bib records 3) converted our bibs from MARC8 to UTF8. Our bibs were migrated into Folio by June 30. The largest authority records were loaded from June 29 to July 12, and I loaded the small auth files from July 13-18. I loaded our local auth file in Sept. (once I knew the Authorities App was working properly).
    • We are currently loading authority file updates and updating bib headings. Our VuFind display Authorities (not the authority records, but uses the cross references in search results - i.e. "did you mean?" or "See also").
    • The functionality we're waiting for is for Data Import to be able to handle larger files (at least 1000 records) and to handle simultaneous imports without backing up. Both cataloging and authority control use Data Import but it all comes to a stop when I load a large file of authority records or bib record headings updates.
    • I am also very much looking forward to the bib heading-authority record linking functionality coming in Orchid.


  • Housekeeping
  • MARC Authorities
    • Functionality
      • Import and update authority records via Data Import
      • Edit an authority record in QuickMARC
      • Delete and authority record
      • View and browse authority records
    • Questions 
      • When did libraries stop doing Authority work when cutting over? (Buddy)
      • Are libraries CURRENTLY loading Authorities or waiting for future functionality? (Buddy)
      • Are there any discovery tools that display Authorities from FOLIO? 
      • Is there a SIG or other group that is overseeing development of the MARC Authorities app?
  • Closing
    • Any actions or follow through?






Action Items