


Julie Bickle, Mark Arnold, Tod Olson, Tara Barnett, Peter Murray, Jean Pajerek


  •  Housekeeping
    • Since last we met...
      • Created a calendar invite
      • Created a topics bank
      • Started figuring out the courses session
    • Incomplete Actions
    • The Future
      • Docket upcoming meetings
      • Any prep needed for upcoming meetings?
        • Courses session (January 24, 2023)
          • What are our specific questions?
        • Upgrades session (January 31, 2023)
          • What can we prep for this?
    • Welcome any newcomers
  • Updates/last minute agenda items/questions/free for all/awkward silence
    • Optional Conversation Starter: How does your institution leverage custom fields? How did you decide which custom fields to use?

  • Tri-Council meeting of Thursday, 12 Jan 2023:





  • We briefly go over what work has been done since last we met--the calendar invite has been created, as well as a topic bank. Our courses session has been pushed to January 24th.
    • Some discussion of the definition of the word "docket" as a verb. It is a very good verb that everyone should use meaning "to enter (a case or suit) onto a list of those due to be heard."
7:30Tri-council meeting
  • Julie notes that this was held on Thursday. There was very relevant discussion of project-wide topics.
9:00Marshall Breeding Survey
  • Peter says, every year, Marshall Breeding does a survey of libraries' perceptions of their ILS. He does this in December through January. The link is:
    • Tod says this is also a good time to update your library's information in Marshall's list
10:50Internal Implementation Directory
      • Tara asks about our internal directory of implementations. Julie explains that there was some desire for an up-to-date map of FOLIO implementations, including relevant background information and links. This will never be complete, of course.
        • Tod says that it is up to the individual libraries to maintain. The idea is that such a directory would give users a sense of how libraries are managing their implementation, how are they staffing for it, what is their approach.
13:00Implementers Group Identity Crisis
  •  We discuss the cohort organization. It is not useful any more.
  • Tara asks where implementers are going for support--it doesn't seem to be our group, so where are they going? What is the purpose of the implementers group? Are libraries mainly relying on their hosting provider for support?
    • Tod says that there are libraries who ONLY want to work with their hosting provider.
    • Tod says Ian Walls would be a good person to reach out to about Bywater libraries who might like to be here. Is there an EBSCO contact for this as well?
    • Tara says it's understandable that libraries may feel this is a hosting provider's job. The concern is mainly making it clear that people CAN show up.
  • Julie says that talking about these general topics is good. We may also be the home of onboarding eventually--time will tell. Julie reminds us that these sessions are live, but they are also recorded, and others may be watching the recording.
    • Tara will do a better job with the notes for the future.
17:00Julie's documentation podium session
  •  Julie is thinking about organizing the documentation podium. She is thinking about questions to prepare, and how it can be a general conversation without getting lost in the details. How to hit the right level of discourse.
  • Julie is planning this sometime soon--she may be ready to report back as soon as next week.
19:10Identity Crisis Continued
  • Tod suggests reaching out to Paula Sullenger. It might be worth reaching out to her about what was successful/useful and what does and does not reply.
    • Are we a support group? A cross app group. An "I don't know where it goes" group?
  • It seems clear that this group served a different purpose in the past. Julie says that there is still a need for this type of topic/onboarding, but not the urgency that spawned this group.
  • Tod points out that things from this group have moved to other SIGs. For example, we think that migration sequences and integrations moved to Sysops.
  • Tara suggests that we might want to change the "About the group" page to reflect what we actually do and how we see ourselves.
    • The meandering nature of our conversations aren't necessarily a problem.
  • Tod says that it's important that the conversations about implementation issues don't get completely fragmented. We cover concerns that cut across all aspects of being implemented.
25:30Data Import: What Is The Deal With That
  • Tod mentions that there are issues with Data Import.
  • Julie asks why this isn't being discussed in the data import group. Tod says that it is being discussed. There is some effort from ARLEF to move this effort forward. There are tickets--this is a topic on people's minds. Tod says that it's not clear where the solutions belong.
  • Tara says that someone new to FOLIO would probably have a lot of trouble even following the conversation about problems with data import--there is significant history involved, as well as political and technical aspects.
    • Julie says that she grasps the concept but doesn't have the details or examples.
    • Tara wishes for a "very short introduction" to FOLIO topics.
    • Julie says that we could try to clarify things heard around the FOLIO community as part of this group.
  • Mark Arnold (29:40) points us to the Data Import lab. This is an informal group where people come to discuss specific problems they are trying to work out with Data Import. He also highlights several experts in the community--Christie (Chicago), Jenn Colt, and Jennifer (5 Colleges).
32:10Courses Session Prep
  • We take a few minutes to prepare for next week's courses session
    • Tara will follow up with Ian on slack.
    • Julie says that in her region, courses seems like a cool thing but it's not clear that the Courses app fits their needs. Could we get a sense of "what can this app do for you"?
    • We decide that Tara will do an informal demo.
    • Looking to the future, could people think about questions they have about upgrades?

Action Items

  • Tara Barnett  will reach out to the courses folks
  • Tara Barnett  will reach out to Paula Sullenger
  • By the end of 2023, THE GROUP will outline the current purpose of the group for our "About" page.
  • Tara Barnett  will add Data Import to the session bank
  • julie.bickle will share information about her awesome documentation podium session when it becomes available!
  • SOMEONE (maybe Tara) will think clarify the purpose of the implementation directory and coordinate getting the directory up to date, as it appears to belong to this group. If we don't own this, we will figure out who does.
  • Tara Barnett will prep the upgrades session for January 31.