2019-07-23 Meeting notes



Discussion items


Welcome to Outreach committee membersKaren

Reminder - please fill in your fiscal year end date on the Implementer Details page for your institutionKaren

A&M Planning Document



Click on Activity Mural to see swim lanes and screen shots of planning activity.

Had 2 facilitators who were not tasked with adding post-its to the planning board.

Integrations - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O8orRx2dBedaeWIkbN30v2ZHyRG6BgecLXgy5xL35bQ/edit#gid=1651449819

SysOps List of Integrations


Tod, Ingolf

SysOps is asking the Implementers Group to help create a collected list of integrations for APIs and interfaces.

Filling in the spreadsheet will help with a gap analysis on data that needs to be exposed and development of APIs.

An example - NCIP call for a user lookup...If FOLIO can't supply the needed information, that could be a blocker for integrating NCIP.

The spreadsheet was started as an idea that people could create small sub-groups to work on the integrations/user stories (ie- VuFind, EDS, etc). Or groups who approach a vendor for them to create the integrations with FOLIO.

The spreadsheet could also help create priorities.

> Is this the right kind of approach, and is the Implementer Group the right place to create a list like this?

Where does the discussion about integrations take place? Raise to Tech Council. Is this something that could be leveraged by the R-RFP (Available in August? Quarters by which the integrations will be available.

Currently being worked on: SIP2, NCIP, Barcode Readers, Printers, connecting another cataloging system (Chalmers), EDS

Does Edge API work with VuFind?

Action items

Next meeting agenda item:

  https://trello.com/b/ZjscKXK7/folio-implementations - Review Analysis cards

  Prioritize Integrations from spreadsheet

  User Management Documentation Needs - perhaps a start of pieces that need to be included in a documentation template?