Lehigh University (Full; Aug 2020)

Lehigh University (Full; Aug 2020)

Background Information

What is the current ILS at your institution?

Open Library Environment (OLE)

What is the date of your fiscal year end? Please do not include a range of your fiscal year.

June 30th

How is your implementation team organized?

Lehigh Implementation team is comprised of Technical Services Librarians (3), Library Technology Team (2), one librarian from Access Services and one subject specialist librarian. Chaired by Director of Library Access Services and  Director of Library Technology

Total members of Implementation Team is 9 librarians

Has your institution hired additional staff? How were they funded?

No additional staff have been hired

Is your institution planning to be hosted? Self-hosting? Still considering both options? Please explain.

Hosted by Index Data

Is your institution considering a partial implementation, such as the ERM first? Please explain.


Does your institution plan to run FOLIO in parallel with your current ILS? How long? Please explain.


How sure are you of the plans described above? Why or why not?

Planning and very sure Lehigh would implement July 2020; Lehigh has Q3 running on test server and testing migration of some data now

What concerns do you have? What do you hope to get out of participating in this group?

Concerns Acquisitions functionality is robust enough- financial accounting specifically and metadata functionality for moving items to another record, editing, and complex records such as bound withs

Project Management Tools Used

Institution Documentation

Please share your implementation documentation here by either linking to it from within this section or by attaching it to this page.




  File Modified

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet FOLIO migration.xlsx

Oct 02, 2019 by Sharon Wiles-Young