Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (ERM; Autumn 2019)

Background Information

What is the current ILS at your institution?

ILS: Libero 6 (https://libero.com.au/), self-hosted

ERM: FOLIO Agreements, Licenses, Organizations, Finances, Orders, Invoices, eUsage, self-hosted (live since June 2020)

What is the date of your fiscal year end? Please do not include a range of your fiscal year.

Dez 31

How is your implementation team organized?

Has your institution hired additional staff? How were they funded?

Devs for the development of eUsage App funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Is your institution planning to be hosted? Self-hosting? Still considering both options? Please explain.

Self-hosted. We will host tenants for 4 Saxon libraries.

Is your institution considering a partial implementation, such as the ERM first? Please explain.

We started with partial implementation June 2020: ERM (agreements, licenses, eUsage), Acquisition (orders, organizations, finances, invoices), users, if the workflow requires inventory.

Does your institution plan to run FOLIO in parallel with your current ILS? How long? Please explain.

Yes, in the first phase it replaces just our ERM. A full implementation not before 2022.

How sure are you of the plans described above? Why or why not?

What concerns do you have? What do you hope to get out of participating in this group?

Project Management Tools Used

Institution Documentation

Please share your implementation documentation here by either linking to it from within this section or by attaching it to this page.




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