2017-03-10 Internationalization SIG Meeting Notes

2017-03-10 Internationalization SIG Meeting Notes

Date, Time, and Connection Information

at 12:30pm UTC (7:30am Eastern U.S. time). The meeting will be held using Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/207849732 



  • Discuss I18N needs that are not yet on the spreadsheet

Discussion items

30 minI18n tab in 2018 DocumentCate
  • Page layout responsive to text direction for selected language moved to v1 because it's being considered in FOLIO UI components
  • Added row clarifying that FOLIO won't translate user-generated content (e.g. Notes) or library resource metadata (unless translation is supplied in source data)
25Discussed other tab themes in document to see if any had I18n implicationsAnn-Marie

Miscellaneous other international implications (not necessarily i18n - most should be covered by other tabs)

  • What EDI standards are used in the middle east? Edifact is default standard. Between that and API communication, we should be covered globally
  • Need to have flexibility in Acquisitions workflows, and even allow FOLIO use without Acquisitions
  • There are many libraries that have campuses/branches in different countries
    • They are getting by today in one way or another (separate systems, single system in English, other?) but FOLIO needs to do better
    • Will one language per tenant really be sufficient (even just for v1)?
    • Implications for the consortia discussion
  • There are international considerations for data privacy
    • Some countries require data centers to be in a certain location
    • Some customers are satisfied if they can just get local backup

5Planning for next meetingCate
  • We'll synch with Peter and rest of team by email to see if anyone has any additional agenda items for next week
  • If not, we may pause meetings until we have something more to discuss (e.g. implementation options, handling of Asian languages etc.)
 Action items 
  • Cate will see if internationalization needs should be added to the consortia research questions
  • Cate will send Harry a link to these notes so he can process anything that isn't already included in the other tabs

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