2024-09-04 Meeting notes

Meeting Time:    8 am ET /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK

Meeting URLhttps://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/89145608254

Password needed: please see link.


Sep 4, 2024



 Discussion topics










@Martina Schildt

For the ERM session at WOLFcon we are looking for colleagues who will share their experiences in working with FOLIO ERM apps. We would appreciate it very much to learn about what works for your institutions and what doesn't.
There are multiple options to engage: Libraries can share their experiences either in person or remotely, demos can be pre-recorded and then discussed during the session and they can be long or short.

Session description in Sched: https://sched.co/1eeqa .
Date and time: Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST.

Please get in touch if you are attending WOLFcon and would like to present your use of the ERM apps.


Development update

@Owen Stephens

- continuing to work on a new method to populate the local kb from another system (pushKB)
- at the moment: hourly check on external system if there are any updated data (Pullservice): Folio is going to grap the data; at the moment: if there is a change in a package, the whole package is grapped
- new approach: external service is pushing data in the local KB, from FOLIO side: no timed jobs; data is get as available; if there are changes: specific titles (not the whole package) is pushed into FOLIO
- After first approach in March/April, now there is more work in this.
- There is a new external service to FOLIO that will be used
- In one of the last Local KB Subgroup Meetings there was a wish to know more about this: Owen has it on his To-Do-List.
- Some libraries don't want all packages from the external KB -> also looking at this so that the libraries receive only the data they would like to receive
- Some challenges around this new method of working that need to be solved at first


ERM Workflows

@Owen Stephens

  • already discussed in the last ERM SIG meeting (see meeting notes here: )

  • about 3 years ago, we looked already at this issue and several systems-> e.g. kind of task list, put task together to a workflow

  • new Workflow App in FOLIO: App requires Workflow Engine.
    Workflows are designed in this Workflow engine

  • Questions for ERM:
    Would this actually support the ERM Workflows? Are there any gaps where we have to find other solutions?

Focus in this group on the KB side of the listed workflows

  • Title removal

  • Cataloguing

  • Bulk editing

  • Subscription model "pick and choose"

Subscription model "pick and choose"
Nadja: prefers Workflow for FOLIO instead of GOKb; at the moment using local packages in the GOKb. We buy from a vendor, not directly from the provider.
Heiko: another use case of "pick and choose": selected titles from EBS-package
From Chat: Felix Hemme 14:40: The more I hear and think about what Nadja explained I feel that an individual subscription of an e-journal is at least comparable to the pick and choose model, at least from a workflow perspective and how we do it at ZBW. Of course with journals you also have to consider cancellations.
Felix: When we buy a package, we buy from a vendor, not a provider

Owen: Do we need to look at the whole acq workflow for individual ebook purchase? -> yes
Martina: At the moment, libraries uses local packages in GOKb to represent the p+c-Purchases, but the GOKb concentrates on local Packages
Owen: At the moment in FOLIO: for each title an AGL in FOLIO, but there will be a lot of AGs with a lot of AGLs (a lot of work, slows down the system). In 2018 (?) we talked about customized packages in FOLIO.

Question for Nadja: Why do you load you kbart file in GOkb instead of FOLIO? Nadja: in monthly GOKb meeting this was mentionned. We would like to involve more colleagues.


Three approaches:

  1. local packages in FOLIO -> could be done now

  2. AGL-method (for each title an AGL)

  3. taking a global package from the GOKb and overlay it with the information in the AGL, that there are some titles purchased from this package

Continue on Sep 18th im ERM SIG and in the next local KB Subgroup meeting.




 Action items
