2024-05-15 Meeting notes

Meeting Time:    8 am ET /  2 pm CET / 1 pm UK

Meeting URLhttps://openlibraryfoundation.zoom.us/j/89145608254

Password needed: please see link.


May 15, 2024


 Discussion topics









Dev update

@Owen Stephens

  • Bienenvolk Sprint 191

  • Working on improvements around GOKb metadata harvesting

  • Currently testing with GBV speeding up the harvests and better reflect GOKb data in FOLIO

  • Harvest is working on folio-snapshot as expected, but some issues arise when a system is changed to the new harvest method that already contains GOKb metadata

  • Performance issues in the Agreements app when searching through the local KB. K-Int is working on minor performance improvements as well, but in the longer term a switch to Open Search seems like the best option. Work is being done on:

    • Display list of resources in an agreement: Optimization to the query in the backend which will speed up the query time. Has to be tested on a productive system.

    • Viewing a list of titles within a package

    • and two other views

    • Title search is too slow or will time out and don’t return any results at all. With less data in the system search will be faster; and with the Open Search implementation it will also work better.

    • New default is not to search for identifiers by default. Owen will take a look if the system is able to remember a previous selection based on the Browser’s session.

    • When performing a search, some filtering is done behind the scenes. The filter step is removed.

      • Currently, only the electronic title will be displayed in the result list

      • This is removed, so both print and electronic title are displayed, which means there will be two results in the result list. This will also enable search by print identifiers. Having print titles displayed in the result list is not the desired solution, but neccessary to improve search performance. Once the change to Open Search has been done, this can be re-visited.


Import only local packages for my institution/curator group in the Local KB

@Owen Stephens

Implementer topic

  • Currently, all packages with the scope local are harvested by all FOLIO systems

  • The request is to only import local packages related to my institution

  • Local packages could be re-used by other libraries as well with the current implementation

  • Bernd: Could there be a more general solution to also exclude packages that are not local but not relevant to my library? E.g. filter out consortia packages from certain consortia I’m not participating?

  • Complexity: What to do with the existing data in libraries databases? Packages are not deleted at the moment, just marked with status = deleted.

  • Instead of not importing the packages another approach would be to apply a filter for a configurable list of curatory groups. This would not reduce the amount of data in the database.

  • Moritz: Are the curatory groups saved in FOLIO? → Yes. Filtering by curatory group would be much better than filtering on scope information. Owen: Implementing a filter in harvest is not complicated.

  • The list “Availability” is a mix of curatory group and scope already.

  • Use cases:

    • Performance:

      • During harvest from GOKb

      • During search in FOLIO

    • Clarity/Visibility:

      • Libraries don’t want to see packages and titles from all other libraries

      • Also has to consider the package availability view from a given titleInstance

  • With the new push service it has to be considered where the configuration lives: In the push service or in FOLIO itself

  • Push of titles is separated out from push of the packages; lists are delivered separatly to FOLIO

  • Current idea: If a title is send to FOLIO where the package is not (yet) existing in FOLIO, it should create a dummy package and once the package reaches FOLIO, it is transferred to the correct package. The title does not know the curatory group. This would cause issues if you don’t want to have this title if the package is local. Owen: Only ingest titles if there is a valid package present in FOLIO.

  • Idea from Owen: Only harvest packages by default and add a button to harvest the titles for packages that are relevant to the library.

  • Could there be a search against GOKb?

  • Benjamin via Chat: Could it be possible to add a checkbox in GOKb where the curator can decide package per package if the package should be selected for import into the FOLIO KB?

    • Have to consider that there are other systems using GOKb, not only FOLIO.

    • If you are a curator in GOKb and don’t want to have the data harvested by FOLIO, just leave the list status = In progress.

  • Moritz: if interested in filtering for curatory group > there are sets used to filter list records (filter for local and non-local for each curatory group)

  • Moritz and Owen will continue to discuss the option offline


Implementer topic: Show the e-resources with their tags in the accordion element „E-Resources in package“ on package level

@Owen Stephens

Implementer topic





 Action items
