2021-02-01 - Data Migration Subgroup Agenda and Notes



Discussion items


Someone who hasn't done it in a while should take notes.


An update on current planning for bulk APIs.

Postgrest is a REST-ful interface to the database tables. It turns your pg database into a restful server. Ian is preparing a PoC for this.

Swagger - an API documentation and design tool. We have to constantly re-think the concepts that we are using in Folio. https://swagger.io/ It works similar to how WSDL works for SOAP.

Including the tenant names in the schema names is a limitation. It is an extraordinary way to do this. Here is a JIRA that Jon Miller had created regarding that problem from a long time ago. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/FOLIO-2031

32Bulk APIsVarious

Discussion on how to document data migration procedures, both for ourselves, and also for newcomers coming to Folio. Because we are all coming from different, and differently configured, legacy systems, it is not obvious what documentation would be actually useful to people. I have invited Marcia Borensztajn to join us for that meeting to share some of her ideas. Marcia has had a lot of experience with producing technical documentation, and, for those who don't know her, is currently heading up our Folio documentation initiative.

Marcia walks us through the docs page, docs.folio.org .

Metadata management - data import . What different kinds of data will people be importing ?

Except for inventory data, there are user data, circulation data which you might want to import. Item States : Item State in FOLIO . See also UXPROD-2699

Orders is part of the metadata workflow.

We should concentrate on one (or maybe two) methods of import. Concentrate on one (or two) types of (inventory) data. MARC import is the most standard for inventory. We should document how to do a bulk import (migration) of inventory MARC data. The Folio bulk import APIs are currently under development.

There are certain touchstones which we want to implement / document.

Documentation will be regularly maintained in the Jira, DOCS section.

Internal documentation from the vendors might be useful.

Migrating from OLE is probably not useful to many.

The order in which you set your things up is very important in Folio. (e.g. organizations & licenses). We should document the differences to what most people are used to. Somtimes in Folio, it is non-intuitive. It is almost like a language to talk about operations and resources.

Documentation has not been prioritized in Folio.

Whatever we can put down (notes, sources) will be super helpful.

Marcia: Think of the frameworks & the tasks that you want to do.

Dale: The next time that we come together we will address our documentation needs and see what documentation we already have, and see, how we want to prioritize this.

Action items

Dale Arntson will set up a topic backlog page.

Ian Walls will talk to Cate and Jakub and move forward on JIRAs

Dale Arntson and Ian Walls will work on document clean up together