2024-02-26 Tri- Council Chairs Meeting notes


Feb 26, 2024


  • @Kristin Martin

  • @Alexis Manheim

  • @Simeon Warner

  • @Craig McNally

  • @Jeremy Huff

  • @Mike Gorrell


 Discussion topics










Planning for the Tricouncil meeting/Communications Update


  • Proposal to hold meeting on March 7, during the PC time slot

  • Topics: Treasurer stepping down, need to increase participation in the councils

  • Are we planning to engage with members not that engaged or those more deeply engaged?

  • The last one we held appears to have been in 2022

  • Suggested candence: 2X per year, Spring/Fall?

  • Next Communications Update: Monday, April 22, during CC Slot

  • Why do we have these meetings?

    • To inform and get more people involved in FOLIO

    • We need to use email to reach out to people not engaged in Slack

  • Topic for TriCouncil meeting: How do we make the FOLIO project attractive to new member organizations and how do we get people involved at a deeper level?

    • Some ideas: using email to reach out to individuals not active in Slack

    • Working with colleagues for succession planning

    • mentoring new libraries.

  • Set up for the meeting:

    • Ask members to think about barriers to participation and a way to increase participation

    • People can their topics to a spreadsheet in advance of the meeting

Frequency of Tricouncil vs. individual council meetings

  • Some desire to have more cross-council meetings, but also concern about how large the councils are, and they would not be able to solve problems

 Action items

@Kristin Martin will advertise the TriCouncil meeting
@Simeon Warner will update the Quarterly Community Updates page on the wiki - DONE, see
@Mike Gorrell will draft message to Slack/email about need for a new Treasurer and encourage active involvement
