Use Cases for More Complex Lists for the Lists App

Use Cases for More Complex Lists for the Lists App


Use Case Name


Expected Results

Record Fields (Properties) in the proposed list and the App/record where this information lives



Use Case Name


Expected Results

Record Fields (Properties) in the proposed list and the App/record where this information lives



List of orders (POL) with no invoices

This is a list of purchase order lines that have no connected invoices.

Lists contains the POL number, title of POL, date created, date updated, Order type, Order status, date Order Line created, total estimated price, fund distribution, order material type

  • POL: Purchase Order Line, Orders App

  • POL date created and updated: Purchase Order Line, Orders App

  • Order type: Order record, Orders App

  • Order status: Order record, Orders App

  • Order created: Orders record, Orders App

  • total estimated price: POL, Orders App

  • Fund distribution: POL, Orders App

  • Order format: POL, Orders App

  • Invoices connected: POL?, Orders App

Jennifer Eustis

High for 5C

Renewals not reviewed

We do an annual review of all titles ordered through our subscription agency. After the review this report is helpful to catch any titles that may have been missed and not had their renewal date updated. While the renewal date and vendor are searchable under Orders, we often break things down using one of numerous vendor account numbers. Due to the structure of the Orders app, certain filtering options can only be selected in the Orders search or the Order lines search. The workaround is to use filters on one search, export the CSV and then filter further. This requires a number of extra steps in the export process.

Can query by PO - Renewal Date and POL - Account Number

Show columns list contains the ability to easily select options from PO and POL.



Query/column fields desired that are not currently available in Quesnalia Lists app include:

PO - Renewal Date

POL - Internal Note

POL - Account number


@Kimberly Pamplin (TAMU)


PO Notes / POL Internal Note Query

We have historical tags written into our PO notes and POL internal notes that are helpful for pulling various reports. Unfortunately, there is not currently a way in Orders to search these in the UI. They must be pulled through external reporting systems. It would be nice to be able to query on PO Notes and the POL Internal Note in conjunction with other PO/POL fields to pull reports.

Able to query by text in PO Notes and POL Internal Note

PO - Notes (visible in columns in Quesnalia, but not queriable)

POL - Internal Note

@Kimberly Pamplin (TAMU)


Add Location to Loan lists

Libraries creating Loans lists for collection development often need location information included with the loan data:.

For Record Type: Loans:

  1. Able to add an items effective, temporary, or permanent location to the query

  2. Effective, permanent, or temporary location information included with each loan list item.

Holdings: Permanent and Temporary Location
Item: Permanent and Temporary Location
Item “Effective Location” taken from the holdings record if no item-level location given.

@Christine McClure

Medium/High (requested by several sites)

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