2021-09-17 Meeting notes

2021-09-17 Meeting notes


Attendees (40)


  • PC Update  - 10 minutes Kristin M.  
  • Bulk Edit Presentation  - 20-30 minutes Magda 
  • UAT Receiving Testing 
  • Order renewal integration (see Dennis's poll in the channel) 
  • EDI Orders 

Discussion items

The first 6 minutesPC UpdateKristin Martin
  • PC Update 8/26 
  • Internal discussions around governance structure
  • now elected vs previously reprehensive
  • Updates from: 
    • Community Council
    • Technical Council
    • Capacity Planning
    • Product Owners
  • PC Update 9/2 
  •  spent a lot of time discussing folio how we are going to manage it.  
  • Briefly spent time discussing strategic vision
  • The Tech Council spun off a working group to define acceptance criteria for external code contributions. 
  • Operational Tech Debt Discussion
  • PC Agenda Setting discussion
  • Begin to review the Strategic Initiatives - identify those that belong with PC
 6 minutes after the hourBulk Edit PresentationMagda Zacharske 
  •  Link to  presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KlMPSeU8HUGGbo1ahndL9DEhUgFfl6GM/edit#slide=id.p1
  • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/MM/Batch+%28Bulk%29+Edit+Use+Cases
  • Magda is the Product owner assigned to bulk edit 
  • Please consider being a part of the Bulk edit working group. 
  • Timeline for Bulk Edit
    • June -Sept 2021 - Define pilot requirements
    • Sept-Jan. 2022 - Build the pilot
    • January 2022 - review the pilot and readjust as needed
  • Bulk Edit will be a separate element
  • Discussed workflow for editing records
  • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone:  08:18 AM
    For Dennis at the end: How does this tie in with the discussed functionality related to loading allocations/budgets via CSV?  Is that now scheduled for 10/22 as part of this app?
  • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone:  08:23 AM
    That feature has not been updated for some time. We may need to see what issues arise as this POC is implemented, but it does seem that there may be an opportunity for use to leverage some or all of this work. The file format is the same and the approach may address some of the current performance issues we have with building CSV files in acqs.
  • Susan Martin: I am really pleased to see this important aspect has a group and product owner, and is moving forward. 
  • Magda: Not everyone is comfortable with downloading, making changes, then uploading. They are working on other ways to bulk edit.  A web based approach is being looked at. 
  • Dennis: Question: Have you discussed taking actions on records, editing data inside the record, if you have 14 records that you want to take an action on, that might be considered an edit, like maybe opening a record that would be done in the actions menu? From the bulk edit app.  Change the status of a record.  Have you explored using AI for this type of application?
  •  Magda: you can do that here: 

    • But will follow up with you on this topic. 
  • Chat Discussion
    08:28:35 From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone: Can both options be available controlled by Permissions. 08:28:39 From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone: I think these approaches are more appropriate for smaller bulk edit options, but for larger sets I much prefer the CSV export?
    08:29:14 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
    	Agree, the CSV download option is also very much needed \.
    08:29:38 From  Kristin Martin  to  Everyone:
    	The CVS option seems more extensible.
    08:30:10 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
    	We currently use the CSV option for Acquisitions bulk updates in OLE.
    08:31:38 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
    	The primary uses have been for vendor changes (when a vendor ceases to exist or we want to revend everything from one vendor to another) and to change funds in pos.
    08:32:25 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
    	Is the “Open Order” action etc. a different endpoint Dennis?
  • Magda: Any volunteers for the bulk edit working group?
    • Sara Colglazier has volunteered
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone:  08:32 AM
      I would be happy to.
    • From Jackie Magagnosc to Everyone:  08:33 AM
      I have volunteered also FWIW

From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:33 AM
Magda - have you talked to Martina Schildt about doing this presentation at an ERM SIG meeting?

Magda - No, not yet.  Martina is in the meeting and will follow up . 

From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  08:34 AM
I am also an ERM person. ;-)

08:35:21 From  Dennis Bridges  to  Everyone:
	Owen, yes it is a specific endpoint and there would be a number of potential issues with multiple errors etc.
08:36:44 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
	The need of the bulk update app having to talk to multiple other apps has a bit of overlap with some of our ideas for the Dashboard - I wonder if there could be a way of seeing if there is any work there that can be shared
08:37:37 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
	The idea of being able to trigger actions from a dashboard widget was something we felt could be desirable, although we’ve not got close to that at the moment
08:37:42 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
	Owen and Martina, bulk editing for Agreements would be very useful
08:38:24 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
	Also a tie-in with the proposed LDP app might be of interest
08:38:43 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
	Esp. once we can search, identify, and then export the AGs etc.
35 minutes after the hour

UAT Receiving Testing 

Dennis: Has been going very well, There are still a few more days, form will be open a little longer if you want to work with changes that will be going out. It's not an overly long form, may only take an hour. 

Julie Stauffer: Do you know when these changes will be implemented? 

Dennis: Hoping in Kiwi

Julie: It took them an hour and a half. Creating the orders takes the most time. 

Kristin Martin: Maybe leave yourself two hours.  In the testing: Struggling a little with the use case of a one time package. Not sure why we would do that, so had trouble with the test case. 

Susan Martin: Had the same problem. 

Martina: 2nd Kristin, about two hours. And make a note of what you created. 

Dennis: Re use case for one time order for a package. Wanted to make sure there were no dead ends in the receiving workflow for that order type. Feel free to include that feedback, that you may never use that combination of components. 

Order renewal integration (see Dennis's poll in the channel) 

The poll was posted Monday, Sept.13th in the #folio-acquisitions-sig

This is copied from the slack channel as a snap shot of where the voting is at this point in time: Please vote in the slack channel, not here. 

Dennis: @hereI'm hoping to take a quick poll to see which data would be more important to you for an order renewals integration. Please add ato the option that is more important to you in response to the following question. Given you have an order integration that automatically updates the orders in your ILS system when you renew those orders with the vendor, would you be more interested in:

A) The ability to omit price from the data being updated such the the order price would not be changed automatically in any circumstance.

B) The ability to receive the "Extended price" which includes any fees being charged, such that the price would be updated and always reflect the most comprehensive cost of the material.

Order renewal integration (continued)

Folio order renewal integration


Enhancing ongoing order details: 


Dennis: There is currently a problem that you can't add or remove pol's from ongoing orders

It's not possible to cancel a pol on a specific order, working on a cancel pol action. 

Sara Colglazier: I want to be able to add new ones, and indicate that others have closed. Not necessarily remove, but that it ended and something else was added. 

Dennis: I think use case no.1 captures that. 

From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone:  08:49 AM
Why is the renewal date tied in with a year rather than a month/ (day?)—for ongoing orders that makes more sense to me.

Why cant you just say every March (or any time) this gets renewed. Rather than March 2021....

Dennis: Interesting point. Do those days fluctuate from year to year? March 1 one year, March 2nd another......

From Kristin Martin to Everyone:  08:51 AM
I don't think the date fluctuates unless you deliberately change it.

Dung-Lan: We use invoicing to track when to renew. 

Sara Colglazier: When we use a vendor, everything is due at the same time. My renewal is always the beginning of September. But my subscription period for those titles can be all over the place. And can change after the renewal. If a publisher changes how often they publish, they may extend your subscription. There are multiple reasons the dates can change. The renewal, when working with an agent, can be very different from the subscription period. 

From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  08:56 AM
+1 too.  The only thing I can think of is for something got cancelled and then reinstated later but we can handle it with a new ongoing PO instead of reopening the old PO I suppose.

Kristin: I wasn't thinking of it as a date you have to notify the agent. 

Dennis: At the moment it is separated

From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  08:56 AM
+1 too.  The only thing I can think of is for something got cancelled and then reinstated later but we can handle it with a new ongoing PO instead of reopening the old PO I suppose.

08:56:45 From  Susan.Martin@mtsu.edu  to  Everyone:
	That was how I was thinking of it as well, Kristin.
08:56:48 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
	Soooo many dates
08:57:15 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
	Isn’t one the Review date in the PO?
08:57:29 From  Susan.Martin@mtsu.edu  to  Everyone:
	Yes. There's a review date
08:58:13 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
	Isn’t the review date  equal to the subscription agent’s date and the renewal date the subscription period?
08:58:32 From  Susan.Martin@mtsu.edu  to  Everyone:
	I think you can make it anytime you want.
08:58:59 From  Scott Stangroom  to  Everyone:
	That’s what a task manager would help with - renewal notice period based on a calculation of subscription end date. So 30 days 60 days or whatever notice period.
08:59:23 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone:
	If we could get a dashboard widget for orders we could probably do this
08:59:40 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
	The subscription period would be great in the invoice too~
08:59:47 From  Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C)  to  Everyone:
	Then I know what I paid for
09:00:00 From  Scott Perry (he/him)  to  Everyone:
	This is where omission of the year from the subscription would be helpful

Dennis: I want to review this in more detail. I think there are some things to clean up based on the questions I have been getting over time. 

Kristin Martin: Make sure terminology is consistent across apps

EDI Orders 

Did not get to this topic today

Action items
