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@cmcnally for the TC agenda next week, this is what I think we need: a vote on whether to accept the document as it is now (with our deletions) but with a statement adding that there are other definitions of platform in use. I believe Simeon/Kristin/me will get that statement in before the meeting. I think that vote is what we need to give CC. After that we should discuss whether people want to participate in a new group to talk more about the definition of platform. I think people may also indicate that there are other definitions they would also like to revise. After this vote, I think it will be the end of my involvement with the doc on this level and someone else should consider coordinating TC proposing some definitions. Right now it seems like we are not happy with existing definitions but don't have alternatives to propose, but that is just my assessment of where things are.
Notes: We get a lazy consensus to accept the document as it is.
Maybe the best thing we can do is to form a TC subgroup which is open to other members of the community.
10-15 min
Officially Supported Technologies - Upkeep
A process was proposed for how to keep these pages up-to-date, we need to revisit and put some processes into place. As it stands right now, we have members of the community making changes w/o consulting the TC.
Florian Gleixner advised that he added a header including page properties for some of the release pages for folks to review
Craig McNally asked what states do we want for these pages e.g. Draft, Final?
Jeremy Huff suggested Active (for actively being defined by the TC), Supported (for after initial version is finalised, yet may still change) and No longer supported (for after the support period for the release has ended)
Marc Johnson wondered how we would come up with the list of statuses, without figuring out the process for maintaining these policy documents
Jeremy Huff asked how we determine during the module evaluation process, which release's supported technologies they should be judged against? Marc Johnson and Craig McNally advised that this would be the release currently ongoing at the time of submission
Jeremy Huff suggested that we could use Confluence's page restrictions functionality for limiting who can change these documents and add some clarifying text to advise folks contact the TC to submit changes. Craig McNally volunteered to investigate this
Craig McNally asked for volunteers for defining a list of statuses and adding a description of the process to the top level page. Jeremy Huff volunteered to take these on