Monday, March 28 2022
Stephanie Buck
Charlotte Whitt
Anton Emelianov (Deactivated)
Jakub Skoczen
Khalilah Gambrell
Oleksii Petrenko
- Several modules haven't been tested in bug fest yet
- Bug fest was supposed to close on Friday last week
- Lotus bug fest: Functionality that cannot/ has not been tested
- Import holdings
- MARC holdings -- which impacts Exporting MARC holdings
- Optimistic Locking
- Linking eholdings to Agreements lines (EBSCO KB)
- EDIFACT Export and Voucher export
- Call number browse
- Inventory search (re-index not complete)
- Requests blocked by BF-237
- There may be another issue with item in transit status UIIN-1985
- April 8 bug fix release deadline
- Hkaplanian will schedule a meeting for Monday to check in on status of bug fest environment, incomplete test cases and functionality listed above
- EPAM testers will continue testing untested test cases