Sprint 141 Overview

Welcome to Sprint 141!

Plans for the current sprint

  1. Fix P1/P2 bugs 
  2. MODINV-699 (Spike)
  3. Work on Morning Glory release tasks.
  4. Finish JIRA tickets carried over from Sprint 140.
  5. Work on critical "tech debt" issues (such as testing).

Overall plan for Morning Glory (R2 2022) release

  1. Fix critical bugs
  2. Address "Tech debt" issues (such as testing).
  3. Work on Inventory features listed below.

Features planned for Morning Glory (R2 2022) release


  • UXPROD-3513 (Inventory Elastic Search (Morning Glory): Timebox for Priority Inventory Search and Filter Enhancements) <== 3rd priority.  3 OPEN (+1 MSEARCH ticket); We will do as much of this work as we are able to

Tech Debt

  • UXPROD-3625 (Tech Debt: Prokopovych: UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest | R2 2022 | Part #1) <== In progress: 1 OPEN ticket
  • UXPROD-3545 (R2 2022 | Prokopovych Enhancements/Bugfixes/NFR/tech debt) <== OPEN: 3 OPEN tickets. Oleksii L. will update.


  • UXPROD-3546 (R2 2022 | Prokopovych Release Activities) <== OPEN


  • UXPROD-1892 (BE: Instance: Add related instances data element) <== first priority! 1 Open, 1 In progress, 1 In review, 2 Closed tickets 
  • UXPROD-3601 (Prokopovych: USERS e-2-e tests (NFR) - Not scheduled<==Analysis Complete – 8 FAT tickets
  • UXPROD-3605 (Prokopovych: INVENTORY e-2-e tests (NFR) - Not scheduled<==Analysis Complete – 15 FAT tickets
General information on Morning Glory

Key timeline reminders

  • June 3:   Platform-core new development freeze
  • June 10:  Platform complete new development freeze
  • July 4 - July 15: Bugfest period
  • August 8:  Morning Glory released to the public