Meeting Name | Description | Potential meeting length | Primary Group/SIG |
Cross-app UX/UI Sched info Tuesday, August 22 • 2:45pm - 3:45pm | Discuss cross-app UX/UI topics | 2x50 min | ALL implementing institutions AI |
Cross-app search Sched info Thursday, August 24 • 1:30pm - 3:00pm | Find agreement on across apps on a list of search requirements | 80 min | ALL implementing institutions AI |
Discussion items
- Implementers topics | Cross-app: UX/UI
- Enhancements to the UI for Inventory/Quick Marc: UI Enhancement list - status of 2023 (Nolana) | Natascha Owens
- Charlotte’s presentation from DC
- App Interaction: Modeled workflows with and without container record: (Martina)
- Google drive folder:
- Local Package Record Subgroup | Wiki space
- Local Packages in Inventory (UIIN-155)
- Use cases for containers:
Next steps
- Martina Schildt will schedule a meeting with Sara, Jennifer and Dennis on containers
- Martina Schildt Schedule meeting with UX/UI designers in September
- Inventory holdings: After editing a holdings record the current option is to "save and close"-- It seems that some people would like to save and close the record without having to see the Holdings record in "view" mode (and just be sent directly back to the Instance record) and some people would like to be able to save the Holdings record and still see it in view mode. Perhaps there is a way to accommodate both scenarios?
- here's what was shared with MM:
Widget Connector url - Owen and Gill have some designs as well to discuss
18:03:25 From Martina Schildt To Everyone:
Agenda: https://wikifolio-org.folioatlassian.orgnet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1182738994099098
18:08:55 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
So sorry I’m late
18:11:13 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
here's what we shared with MM
18:14:26 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
I'm excited to see this, Owen, thanks for sharing
18:15:00 From Dung-Lan Chen To Everyone:
A quick click on Save is always reassuring!
18:19:46 From Charlotte Whitt To Martina Schildt(Privately):
@Martina Schildt - there is a feature (in Draft) about Leading and trailing spaces. I can find the UXPROD feature in jira - 2 sec
18:20:34 From Charlotte Whitt To Martina Schildt(Privately):
Strip leading, trailing, and double spaces out of data in some elements (instance, holdings, item)
18:21:45 From Martina Schildt To Charlotte Whitt(Privately):
Reacted to "UXPROD-3473
Strip le..." with 🙏
18:21:59 From Martina Schildt To Charlotte Whitt(Privately):
Thank you very much @charlotte
18:22:42 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
UXPROD-492 Analyse and implement container object in Inventory
18:22:48 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
And those discussions were such fun we want to do it again 🙂
18:22:59 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Reacted to "And those discussion..." with 💯
18:23:06 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
I think it was DC
18:24:21 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
I think the challenge from the ERM side is (partly at least) the divide between Inventory instances and KB resources in ERM
18:25:07 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
Charlotte’s presentation from DC
18:25:40 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Modeled workflows with and without container record:
18:25:49 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
Agreements and Orders now has Packages as well
18:26:06 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Reacted to "Agreements and Order..." with 😄
18:26:27 From Martina Schildt To Everyone:
I found this Google rive Folder:
18:26:33 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
18:27:04 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
18:27:11 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
I would be interested in Sara’s comments on whether she’s found Packages in Orders has proved successful and where it falls short
18:32:23 From Martina Schildt To Everyone:
Use cases for containers:
18:33:24 From Kristin Martin To Everyone:
And within ERM, where do we have current access? vs. How is our access managed and paid for?
18:34:00 From Dung-Lan Chen To Everyone:
Container discussions predated our institution’s joining FOLIO project 🙂. Sara presented about package orders last year in ACQ SIG. It’s not a bad idea to see if she has different opinions or approaches regarding packages PO.
18:34:26 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
Replying to "And within ERM, wher..."
ERM can answer both those questions (I believe) if it is used with a KB
18:35:01 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Replying to "I would be intereste..."
Now bringing this discussion up again, here 4-5 years later. Then we have the possibility to analyze the landscape on misc. FOLIO modules using packages/containers, and then evaluate, the missing links, and what we want to improve, and figure out what is relevant to implement in the catalogue (in Inventory)
18:35:27 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
Replying to "I would be intereste..."
I agree that would be a good starting point
18:36:50 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
Reacted to "Now bringing this di..." with ➕
18:37:51 From Laura Daniels To Everyone:
it's so much less hypothetical now!
18:37:59 From Owen Stephens To Everyone:
Reacted to "Now bringing this di..." with ➕
18:38:19 From Charlotte Whitt To Everyone:
Reacted to "it's so much less hy..." with 💯
18:38:56 From Dung-Lan Chen To Everyone:
Replying to "I would be intereste..."
I can check with Sara if revisiting packages orders would be something she is interested in discussing in Acq SIG.