- Aaron Trehub, Alexis Manheim, Brooks Travis, Charlotte Whitt, Cornelia Awenius, Ann DP, Gang Zhou, Ian Walls, Jana Freytag, Jesse Koennecke, Karen Newbery, Kathleen Berry, Khalilah Gambrell, Kirstin Kemner-Heek, Kristin Martin, Maike Osters, Mark Veksler, Martina Schildt, Martina Tumulla, Owen Stephens, Paul Kloppenborg, Peter Murray, Sharon Wiles-Young, twliu, Tod Olson
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Announcements
| The FOLIO Prioritization and Roadmap Working Group met for the first time yesterday and set their weekly meeting time ( They are reviewing what past groups have done and setting themselves up for the working group's goals. Holly Mistlebauer is retiring after 20 years at Cornell University and is leaving the project. Holly was also the project manager for one of the predecessors to FOLIO, the Open Library Environment project. She has been a long participant in the FOLIO project and has worn many hats, including the early roadmap discussions before there was anything to show. In retirement, she is going to continue her volunteer efforts in agriculture in developing communities with a focus on making scholarship available to those people (as a part of "Research for Life"). | |
30 min | Onboarding Task Force report - slides | About welcoming new members with a presentation and a follow-up meeting. Offer to hook up new libraries with a mentor instituion. We envision reaching out to an institution when they sign a memorandum of understanding. The slide presentation today is a draft version of the onboarding presentation offered to new libraries. Starting with asking what they are interested in and what needs the FOLIO community has. This is followed with an introduction to FOLIO as software and community. Talk about where FOLIO is open and who owns the process. Include an overview of history starting in 2016 to the present. Introduce the governance overview, resourcing/budget, community aspects (WOLFcon, regional SIGs, community-driven development), and implementation strategies (self-hosted, public and commercial hosting, and new projects). After the community is a review of the software architecture and the development process (including a description of the various roles in the project). The last part of the presentation is a review of the communication tools and a list of ways to get involved. The onboarding group has already started thinking of additional parts for a presentation after this first meeting. About FOLIO's "open": noting that this project is different from others because of the rules and processes involved that aren't as "open" as other projects. What FOLIO means by "open"? The rules and processes themselves are open to modification by the community. They are rules to help the project, not to stifle openness. "FOLIO" itself is an adjective that has many meanings. This presentation could help bring clarity to that. When selecting mentors, it would be best to select a library that migrated off of the same ILS. Community members are invited to review the presentation and give comments to the task force members over the next two weeks. | |
30 min | Reports from Community Council, Technical Council, Product Owners, and Release Planning | Community Council has elected to sunset the Discuss platform. Community Council (Kirstin Kemner-Heek)
Report from meetings: Nov. 28, 2022, Jan. 01 and 23, 2023 (next meeting is on Feb., 13, 2023 )
Technical Council (Tod Olson) This update covers about two months, with a lull for the Holidays. There has been a broad trend of topics that involve governance and other sticky issues.
Product Owners (via Khalilah Gambrell)
Release Planning
Release Planning (Kristin Martin)
There was a lengthy discussion of the tasks that the Prokopovych team and how they will be taken up by others in the project. Can a team made up of resources from different organizations work? | |
5 min | Agenda items for future meetings | all |
Action items
Chat log
00:10:36 Owen Stephens: Did we have an announcement at PC that National Library of Australia selected Folio before Xmas? I’ve seen messages on Slack but can’t remember if it was announced here - but quite possible it happened before Xmas!
00:11:05 Kristin Martin: I do not remember that - very good to know!
00:11:15 Owen Stephens:
00:12:57 Owen Stephens: Migrating from Voyager
00:15:18 Ian Walls: where is the 'ish' coming from?
00:15:42 Mark Veksler: Replying to "where is the 'ish' c..."
my sentiment exactly :-)
00:16:34 Alexis Manheim: Replying to "where is the 'ish' c..."
That was my idea. Because there are parameters and community based protocols to follow and that isn't always clear.
00:17:04 Ian Walls: apologies, Alexis, but I don't understand what you mean
00:19:18 Alexis Manheim: Let's talk after the presentation...maybe we need a different word?
00:19:49 Tiewei Liu: Can we change “Shanghai Public Library†to “Shanghai Library� It's both public and academic.
00:20:16 Martina Schildt | VZG: Yes, sorry, we will change that after the presentation
00:20:21 Martina Schildt | VZG: Thanks for the hint
00:20:40 Tiewei Liu: Thank you!ðŸ‘
00:23:58 Tod Olson: Similarly, could you change Chicago to UChicago?
00:24:32 Martina Schildt | VZG: Sure, thanks
00:24:33 Owen Stephens: Is there/should there be anything for those who might find it to participate via the usual channels (thinking specifically of those who either can’t full engage using English or those who are in timezones that are outside easy participation in SIG meetings)
00:25:40 Tiewei Liu: How about translate it to other languages?
00:27:19 Owen Stephens: I’d say that is pretty usual for open source tbh
00:27:38 Owen Stephens: It’s very common for there to be some level of gatekeeping
00:28:45 Ian Walls: thank you for clarifying, Alexis. having community norms is pretty normal open source projects, but all of those protocols are still just agreements negotiated by community members communicate how we expect to wokr together
00:29:47 Brooks Travis: Agreed, Ian
00:35:32 Della Porta, Ann: I will volunteer LC to test the presentation, since I think we're still newbies
00:37:53 Gang Zhou | SHL: Build a new page to collect all information , in wiki ?
00:38:13 Owen Stephens: Unknown unknowns
00:39:27 Della Porta, Ann: I agree that it would be helpful to have a page on how to get started in the Folio Community.
00:41:28 Martina Schildt | VZG: I need to run to another meeting, thanks all! And all the best to you Holly!
00:46:58 Jesse Koennecke (he/him): TEEAL and Agora are very important for agriculture in the developing world. Great projects.
00:48:18 Charlotte Whitt: Yeah, I remember that meeting in Copenhagen, at the IT University <3 (where I took my Master)
00:48:52 Kirstin Kemner-Heek: We will miss you! All the best!
00:49:52 Khalilah Gambrell (EBSCO): Thank you, Holly. All the best on your next journey. I need to leave for another meeting.
00:51:13 Tiewei Liu: Holly also worked with developers that the China community contributed to the Prokorovich team. Really good collaboration. We will miss you, Holly!
00:51:51 Ian Walls: Pizza the Hat
00:53:43 Owen Stephens: There have been a couple of questions about running folio on their recently
00:54:27 Ian Walls: the function of a forum/Q&A where folks can ask questions and look up previous answers must still be met
00:55:20 Kristin Martin: Thanks @Ian - I can share that directly with CC, but I'm guessing you already have shared your thoughts directly.
00:56:43 Ian Walls: I believe I did bring it up; maintaining such a thing is plenty of work, and unfortunately I'm not able to dedicate the time to do it right now myself. but we here the need in implementers all the time
01:09:07 Owen Stephens: The release timetable has been announced on Slack which doesn’t say it’s still a draft if that’s the case
01:17:11 Paul Kloppenborg | BSZ: I have to go. Thanks and good day
01:20:43 Karen Newbery: And on top of that, keeping up with the technical debt as releases continue.
01:22:02 Owen Stephens: But they are pretty important modules
01:22:20 Karen Newbery: I need to drop off. Have a good day!
01:22:28 Marc Johnson: They are important. Which is more of an argument for having a well staffed team look after them.
01:22:31 Charlotte Whitt: Here the wiki page where the modules the Prokopovych responsibilities are listed:
01:25:47 Marc Johnson: The TC has no funding and it’s members are not necessarily skilled in development.
That is a fundamental shift in the governance model and what it means to be a TC member.
01:26:22 Ian Walls: yes, it is a major shift. and I think a potentially positive one
01:27:37 Marc Johnson: My assumption is that the TAMU team will be directed by TAMU
01:32:58 Ian Walls: gotta run to a customer meeting; cheers, all