What is a holdings?
- Represents the location - Where I can find the book?
- Used by some library systems
- Will be allowed in FOLIO, but not required
- http://www.loc.gov/marc/holdings/
- Only meaningful when paired with bibliographic data
MARC Holdings Example
LDR 00241cx a2200109z 4500
001 2125586
004 1735560
005 20090322140157.0
008 0005172u\\\\8\\\4001uu\\\0000000
014 1\$aAJC6081CU003
014 0\$9002122879
852 80$bnus$hVault 49 Sec.36 Drawer 8
MARC field | Data element |
001 | Holdings Control Number |
004 | Related Bib Record Control Number |
005 | Date/Time Stamp |
008 | Coded Data Elements |
014 | Linkage Number |
852 | Physical Location Information |
856 | Electronic Location Information |
What the library users sees when a MARC Holdings is created a library user sees - https://newcatalog.library.cornell.edu/catalog/1361501 (not related to above)
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 1 - Store MARC Holdings record and Connect to Inventory Holdings record
- There are some FOLIO customers that will not create FOLIO (Source) Holdings record. Instead they expect to create/edit MARC (Source) Holdings records in FOLIO.
- Our work is to support those customers that prefer to create/edit MARC (Source) Holdings records in FOLIO.
- Our work must start I believe in this order
- Store MARC Holdings records to SRS (no UI) (UXPROD-1575)
- Then Connect SRS MARC holdings to Inventory holdings so that MARC is seen as the underlying source for the Inventory MARC holdings record (UXPROD-1575), (UXPROD-1448), (UXPROD-2858).
- Align MARC Holdings to Inventory Mapping [ADD documentMapping [See MARC Mappings Information]
- Develop a CLI for mapping
- Ensure an Inventory Holdings record field that is mapped to a MARC field cannot be edited if Source = MARC. You can see this treatment in action if you Edit a Inventory instance record with Source = MARC
- Generate HRID for MARC holdings record (this might be a given)
- Must ensure that MARC bib record is connected to the MARC holdings record (MARC 004/014))
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 1 - ROUGH Mockups
Inventory app > Holdings record when Source = MARC
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 2 - Edit Edit MARC Holdings via quickMARC and View Source (rough mockup display on your right)
- We need to provide a quickMARC UI to allow a user to edit its library's MARC Holdings records
- We need to support the ability for the user to View MARC Source
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 2 - ROUGH Mockups
Inventory app > Holdings Record > Actions menu
Edit MARC Holdings in quickMARC
View Source
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 3 - Derive a new MARC Holdings via quickMARC and support moving a MARC holding to another MARC bib record
- Support ability to derive a new MARC holdings record via quickMARC. Similar behavior to what we did for derive a new MARC bib record BUT data import may not have extended capabilities to support importing MARC holdings by this time frame.
- Support ability to move a MARC holdings record to another MARC bib record. This functionality is currently supported for Inventory instance record.
- Handle delete MARC (Source) Holdings record. Currently you can delete a FOLIO (Source) Holdings record.
FOLIO Requirements - Phase 4 - Export holdings holdings via Inventory app