- [Single tenant Place hold] Item level request is failingMODPATRON-227
- Release mod-patron v 6.2.10MODPATRON-226Resolved issue: MODPATRON-226Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Fix circulation-bff-request-external interface dependencyMODPATRON-225Resolved issue: MODPATRON-225Oleksandr Hrusha
- Release module for Sunflower R1 2025MODPATRON-224Resolved issue: MODPATRON-224Roman Barannyk
- Release mod-patron v6.2.9MODPATRON-222Resolved issue: MODPATRON-222Roman Barannyk
- Update to mod-patron Java 21MODPATRON-223Resolved issue: MODPATRON-223Azizbek Khushvakov
- Release mod-patron v6.2.8MODPATRON-221Resolved issue: MODPATRON-221Roman Barannyk
- Fix potential issue with fetching 'circulationSettings' from mod-circulation-storageMODPATRON-220
- Failed to fetch ECS TLR settings from mod-tlr in Ramsons releaseMODPATRON-219Resolved issue: MODPATRON-219Roman Barannyk
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODPATRON-218
- Release mod-patron v6.2.7MODPATRON-217Resolved issue: MODPATRON-217Roman Barannyk
- Create holds via mod-circulation-bffMODPATRON-212Resolved issue: MODPATRON-212Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Release mod-patron v6.2.6 (Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix)MODPATRON-210Resolved issue: MODPATRON-210Roman Barannyk
- Add missing required interfaces to Module DescriptorMODPATRON-208Resolved issue: MODPATRON-208Alexander Kurash
- [Locate testing] Request in data tenant is not cancelled via APIMODPATRON-216Resolved issue: MODPATRON-216Roman Barannyk
- Release R Bugfix (for LoC features)MODPATRON-206Resolved issue: MODPATRON-206Gurleen Kaur1
- Release mod-patron v6.2.4 (Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix)MODPATRON-204Resolved issue: MODPATRON-204Roman Barannyk
- Add new PUT/patron API for staging userMODPATRON-202Resolved issue: MODPATRON-202Gurleen Kaur1
- Release mod-patron v6.2.3 (Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix)MODPATRON-199Resolved issue: MODPATRON-199Roman Barannyk
- Add the changes to staging user schema for externalSystemIdMODPATRON-198Resolved issue: MODPATRON-198Gurleen Kaur1
- [ECS Eureka] Fix 500 error during EST TLR creation from OPACMODPATRON-197Resolved issue: MODPATRON-197Roman Barannyk
- Release mod-patron v6.2.2 (Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix)MODPATRON-196Resolved issue: MODPATRON-196Roman Barannyk
- Extend GET /patron/registration-status API with support of externalSystemIdMODPATRON-205Resolved issue: MODPATRON-205Gurleen Kaur1
- Release mod-patron v6.2.1 (Ramsons R2 2024 Bug Fix)MODPATRON-195Resolved issue: MODPATRON-195Roman Barannyk
- Request types - failsafe approach for ECS requestingMODPATRON-192Resolved issue: MODPATRON-192Antony Hruschev
- Create or modify the exisisting save/update staging recordMODPATRON-191Resolved issue: MODPATRON-191Irina Pokhylets
- Modify existing getByEmail API to return patron detailsMODPATRON-190Resolved issue: MODPATRON-190Irina Pokhylets
- Upgrade to RMB v35.3.0MODPATRON-189Resolved issue: MODPATRON-189Roman Barannyk
- Release mod-patron v6.2 (Ramsons R2 2024)MODPATRON-187Resolved issue: MODPATRON-187Roman Barannyk
- inventory API version updateMODPATRON-186Resolved issue: MODPATRON-186Oleksandr Vidinieiev
- Call to /patron/account/{id} fails if the patron happens to have fees that is associated with an item that doesn't existMODPATRON-185Alexander Kurash
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for mod-patronMODPATRON-184Resolved issue: MODPATRON-184Azizbek Khushvakov
- Create mediated requests in secure tenantMODPATRON-194Resolved issue: MODPATRON-194Roman Barannyk
- Create request: switch to mod-circulation-bffMODPATRON-183Resolved issue: MODPATRON-183Irakli Merabishvili
- patron/account/{id} can return a 500 error but doesn't log a stacktrace or messageMODPATRON-182Resolved issue: MODPATRON-182Kapil Verma1
- Add allowed-service-points item-level request endpointMODPATRON-181Resolved issue: MODPATRON-181Alexander Kurash
- [LC API] Fix Enrolment Date field is not saving in databaseMODPATRON-180Resolved issue: MODPATRON-180Irina Pokhylets
- Enhance the error response sections for LOC User registration APIMODPATRON-179Resolved issue: MODPATRON-179Kapil Verma1
- Allowed service points: switch to mod-circulation-bffMODPATRON-178Resolved issue: MODPATRON-178Antony Hruschev
- Change the user preferred value to ServicesMODPATRON-177Resolved issue: MODPATRON-177Kapil Verma1
- Enhance the response sections for LOC User registration APIMODPATRON-176Resolved issue: MODPATRON-176Kapil Verma1
- Fix preferred email for Loc User registrationMODPATRON-175Resolved issue: MODPATRON-175Adesh Singh
- Allow patron to change emailMODPATRON-174
- Remove the patron group RemoteNonCirculating while fetching the expired users for a particular date.MODPATRON-173Resolved issue: MODPATRON-173Adesh Singh
- [SPIKE] Re-test '500 error' ticketsMODPATRON-172Resolved issue: MODPATRON-172Maksat Galymzhan
- Address MODPATRON-165 PR issuesMODPATRON-170Resolved issue: MODPATRON-170Adesh Singh
- Update LC user registration API contractMODPATRON-171Resolved issue: MODPATRON-171Adesh Singh
- Create GET endpoint for expired LC userMODPATRON-169Resolved issue: MODPATRON-169Adesh Singh
- Create PUT endpoint for LC user.MODPATRON-168Resolved issue: MODPATRON-168Adesh Singh
- Code review for MODPATRON-165MODPATRON-167Resolved issue: MODPATRON-167Alexander Kurash
50 of 184
[Single tenant Place hold] Item level request is failing
CSP Request Details
CSP Rejection Details
Potential Workaround
Tetiana Gusar
Tetiana GusarPriority
Development Team
RCA Group
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created yesterday
Updated 4 hours ago
Tetiana Gusar 4 hours ago
Anne Ekblad 5 hours agoEdited
Hi, and . Single tenant Okapi or Single tenant Eureka FOLIO environment? Is this expected behavior that is failing? Regression? Do these Items in FOLIO have barcodes?
Steps to reproduce:
Search for instance which has available items
Click on "Place hold" button
Click on "A specific copy (volume)"
Select copy and pickup location
Click on "Place hold" button
Actual Result: The following error message is displayed:
We were unable to place a hold on this book. HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. If the issue persists, please report it to EBSCO Connect.
Screencast: item level request failing.mp4
Note: Title level request is working. Both item level and title level request was working on folio side: