- Setting to save MARC Local Authority templates based on Tenant levelUXPROD-2477Resolved issue: UXPROD-2477cristina
- Setting to save MARC Holdings templates based on Tenant levelUXPROD-2476Resolved issue: UXPROD-2476cristina
- Setting to save MARC Bib templates based on Tenant levelUXPROD-1494Resolved issue: UXPROD-1494Tiziana Possemato
- MARC Bib record - Creation of new bibliographic record in MARCcat APP, starting from system-default templateUXPROD-904Resolved issue: UXPROD-904Tiziana Possemato
- Cataloguing templateUXPROD-843Resolved issue: UXPROD-843Tiziana Possemato
- POL Title selection overwriting Order template locationUISACQCOMP-65Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-65Andrei Shumski
- POL Title selection overwriting Order template locationUIOR-863Resolved issue: UIOR-863Dennis Bridges
- Order template not populating Holdings correctlyUIOR-854Resolved issue: UIOR-854Dennis Bridges
- Cannot save tenant addressUIOR-459Resolved issue: UIOR-459Dennis Bridges
- Cannot reassign template when editing new POUIOR-405Resolved issue: UIOR-405Владислав Велицкий
- Sort order for templates variesUIOR-404Resolved issue: UIOR-404Владислав Велицкий
- Template fix: CurrencyUIOR-381Resolved issue: UIOR-381Dennis Bridges
- Template fix: E-resource details accordionUIOR-380Resolved issue: UIOR-380Ann-Marie Breaux
- Template fix: Account numberUIOR-379Resolved issue: UIOR-379Ann-Marie Breaux
- Template fix: Renewal Info accordionUIOR-378Resolved issue: UIOR-378Dennis Bridges
- Order templates not in alphabetical orderUIOR-364Resolved issue: UIOR-364Ann-Marie Breaux
- Bill-to Ship-to address not aligned properlyUIOR-362Resolved issue: UIOR-362Ann-Marie Breaux
- Template fix: 0 price in order template should carry over to POLUIOR-357Resolved issue: UIOR-357Ann-Marie Breaux
- Locations in POL dropdown should be in alphabetical orderUIOR-356Resolved issue: UIOR-356Ann-Marie Breaux
- Add PO and PO Line tags to the Order TemplateUIOR-342Resolved issue: UIOR-342Ann-Marie Breaux
- Acq Unit handling in the PO when Template is usedUIOR-341Resolved issue: UIOR-341Dennis Bridges
- Add Acq Unit to the Order TemplateUIOR-340Resolved issue: UIOR-340Ann-Marie Breaux
- Populate sample data for Order templatesMODORDSTOR-105Resolved issue: MODORDSTOR-105Craig McNally
- Populate sample data for Tenant addressesMODCONF-32
- Services to save new template based on Tenant or Personal levelMODCAT-134Resolved issue: MODCAT-134Natascia Bianchini
- Template in cataloguing functionMODCAT-83Resolved issue: MODCAT-83Natascia Bianchini
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