- Error screen on job FAIL statusUIDEXP-107Resolved issue: UIDEXP-107Yevhenii Maltsev
- Accommodate UI to the changes in the progress field structure in job executions the scopeUIDEXP-106Resolved issue: UIDEXP-106Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile – add transformation – save - Q2UIDEXP-105Resolved issue: UIDEXP-105Yevhenii Maltsev
- ui-data-export: Update to Stripes v4UIDEXP-101Resolved issue: UIDEXP-101Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile – error handling while saving a new profileUIDEXP-100Resolved issue: UIDEXP-100Yevhenii Maltsev
- Create link to the files generated by exports partially completedUIDEXP-98Resolved issue: UIDEXP-98Владислав Велицкий
- Add Error column to the list of completed jobs on the landing pageUIDEXP-97Resolved issue: UIDEXP-97Владислав Велицкий
- Navigate to full screen wide empty form in mapping profiles settingsUIDEXP-96Resolved issue: UIDEXP-96Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for items material typeUIDEXP-95Resolved issue: UIDEXP-95Magda Zacharska
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for items electronic accessUIDEXP-94Resolved issue: UIDEXP-94Magda Zacharska
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for effective locations and call numberUIDEXP-93Resolved issue: UIDEXP-93Magda Zacharska
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for call numberUIDEXP-91Resolved issue: UIDEXP-91
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for holdings electronic accessUIDEXP-90Resolved issue: UIDEXP-90
- Mapping profile – transformation – populating field name column for holdings locationsUIDEXP-89Resolved issue: UIDEXP-89
- Mapping profile – save a new profileUIDEXP-88Resolved issue: UIDEXP-88Yevhenii Maltsev
- Job profile - select the profile before starting export - happy pathUIDEXP-87Resolved issue: UIDEXP-87Viktor Soroka
- Job profile – save new profile - happy pathUIDEXP-85Resolved issue: UIDEXP-85Yevhenii Maltsev
- Job profile – cancel adding new profileUIDEXP-83Resolved issue: UIDEXP-83
- Job profile - adding new profileUIDEXP-82Resolved issue: UIDEXP-82Yevhenii Maltsev
- Job profile - Settings - List existing job profiles - integration with backendUIDEXP-81Resolved issue: UIDEXP-81Владислав Велицкий
- Settings - Data Export - Third pane - List job profilesUIDEXP-80Resolved issue: UIDEXP-80Viktor Soroka
- Settings - Data Export - Second pane - Job profiles optionUIDEXP-79Resolved issue: UIDEXP-79Yevhenii Maltsev
- Make permission names localizableUIDEXP-76Resolved issue: UIDEXP-76Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile – add transformation – cancelUIDEXP-74Resolved issue: UIDEXP-74
- Mapping profile – add transformations – set value for MARC recordsUIDEXP-72Resolved issue: UIDEXP-72
- Data Export App - landing page - open "View All" pageUIDEXP-63Resolved issue: UIDEXP-63Yevhenii Maltsev
- Data Export App - landing page - add "View All" buttonUIDEXP-62Resolved issue: UIDEXP-62Yevhenii Maltsev
- Mapping profile - Settings - List existing field mapping profiles - integration with backendUIDEXP-57Resolved issue: UIDEXP-57Владислав Велицкий
- Error callout when saving file with instance UUIDs failsUIDEXP-55Resolved issue: UIDEXP-55Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile - Settings - opening an existing mapping profileUIDEXP-50Resolved issue: UIDEXP-50Владислав Велицкий
- Mapping profile - Settings - adding transformation - new mapping profile - Q2UIDEXP-47Resolved issue: UIDEXP-47Viktor Soroka
- Mapping profile - Settings - adding a new mapping profileUIDEXP-46Resolved issue: UIDEXP-46Yevhenii Maltsev
- Settings - Data Export - Third pane - List existing field mapping profilesUIDEXP-41Resolved issue: UIDEXP-41Yevhenii Maltsev
- Settings - Data Export - Third pane - Field mapping profiles - Search componentUIDEXP-40Resolved issue: UIDEXP-40Viktor Soroka
- Settings - Data Export - Second pane - Fileld mapping profilesUIDEXP-39Resolved issue: UIDEXP-39Yevhenii Maltsev
- Data Export App - landing page - show the progress barUIDEXP-38Resolved issue: UIDEXP-38Yevhenii Maltsev
- stripes-data-transfer-components: Update to Stripes v4STDTC-10Resolved issue: STDTC-10Viktor Soroka
- Create reusable search result view componentSTDTC-8Resolved issue: STDTC-8Viktor Soroka
- Create reusable search component in stripes-data-transfer-componentsSTDTC-5Resolved issue: STDTC-5Viktor Soroka
- Make imports and export consistentSTDTC-3Resolved issue: STDTC-3Yevhenii Maltsev
- Generate MARC bib record - 653$a/SubjectsMDEXP-177Resolved issue: MDEXP-177Illia Borysenko
- Add user details in mapping profiles/job profilesMDEXP-175Resolved issue: MDEXP-175Andrii Novytskyi
- Use the created shared libraryMDEXP-174Resolved issue: MDEXP-174Illia Borysenko
- Job profile - create a default job profileMDEXP-172Resolved issue: MDEXP-172Andrii Novytskyi
- Use specified job profile in /export endpointMDEXP-171Resolved issue: MDEXP-171Andrii Novytskyi
- POC - applying mapping profile transformations for the records with underlying SRS recordsMDEXP-170Resolved issue: MDEXP-170Illia Borysenko
- Tenant level mapping rulesMDEXP-169Resolved issue: MDEXP-169Andrii Novytskyi
- Investigate maximum file size for the exported recordsMDEXP-168Resolved issue: MDEXP-168Igor Gorchakov
- Make records processing parallelMDEXP-166Resolved issue: MDEXP-166Igor Gorchakov
- Mapping profile - transformations - traversing multiple holdings and itemsMDEXP-165Resolved issue: MDEXP-165Kruthi Vuppala
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