- SUNFLOWER - FEATURE: Mapping Work entity components | Instance entity componentsUXPROD-5241
- FEATURE: Trillium - Executing Work entity components / Instance entity componentsUXPROD-5197
- FEATURE: Accessibility compliance for Linked DataUXPROD-5045Resolved issue: UXPROD-5045
- FEATURE: Executing Work entity components / Instance entity componentsUXPROD-4672
- FEATURE: Mapping Work entity components | Instance entity componentsUXPROD-4609Resolved issue: UXPROD-4609
- FEATURE: Hub EntityUXPROD-4608
- FEATURE: Wireframes | Linked Data Editor moduleUXPROD-4598Resolved issue: UXPROD-4598Doug Loynes
- FEATURE: Data Rules | Linked Data CatalogingUXPROD-4592Resolved issue: UXPROD-4592
- FEATURE: User Account & Permissions | Linked Data EditorUXPROD-4577Resolved issue: UXPROD-4577
- FEATURE: Schema Alignment - FOLIO, LDE, Data.GraphUXPROD-4507Resolved issue: UXPROD-4507Anuar Nurmakanov
- FEATURE: Synch with SRS --> InboundUXPROD-4497Resolved issue: UXPROD-4497
- FEATURE: Create new resource descriptionUXPROD-4451Resolved issue: UXPROD-4451
- FEATURE: Discovery | Linked Data CatalogingUXPROD-4350Resolved issue: UXPROD-4350
- FEATURE: Adaptability to changing metadata standards | CatalogingUXPROD-4289
- FEATURE: MARC validation rules | Linked Data CatalogingUXPROD-4286
- FEATURE: Authority lookupUXPROD-4226
- FEATURE: Front End FunctionsUXPROD-4224
- STORY: Compare Bib Resources | LinkedUILD-420Resolved issue: UILD-420Doug Loynes
- STORY: MARC Derived record Government PublicationUILD-321Resolved issue: UILD-321Doug Loynes
- STORY: MARC Derived record - Geographic CoverageUILD-319Resolved issue: UILD-319Doug Loynes
- BUG: Date of Work displayed in Instance edit modeUILD-317Resolved issue: UILD-317Tetiana Kovalchuk
- Story: Date of Work displayed in Instance edit modeUILD-316Resolved issue: UILD-316
- BUG: Search Place of Publication by codeUILD-315Resolved issue: UILD-315
- PLACEHOLDER Story: Search LCNAFUILD-314Resolved issue: UILD-314
- BUG: Advanced search Boolean ANDUILD-312Resolved issue: UILD-312
- BUG: Toggling between Work and Instance entities in edit modeUILD-311Resolved issue: UILD-311
- BUG - Save & keep editingUILD-310Resolved issue: UILD-310
- BUG: Dewey edition numberUILD-307Resolved issue: UILD-307Doug Loynes
- BUG: Display of subject subfieldsUILD-306Resolved issue: UILD-306
- BUG: Statement of Responsibility in Instance entityUILD-305Resolved issue: UILD-305
- STORY: Display order Work Title, Variant Title, Parallel TitleUILD-304
- BUG: Left anchored / wildcard searchingUILD-302Resolved issue: UILD-302
- BUG: Indexing of edited fieldUILD-301Resolved issue: UILD-301
- BUG: MARC derived Publisher information | 262, 264UILD-300Resolved issue: UILD-300
- BUG: Instance edit form is too small when adding an instance from Work edit.UILD-295Resolved issue: UILD-295
- Hide URL for Contents noteUILD-288Resolved issue: UILD-288Punnoose Kutty Jacob Pullolickal
- Work Edit screen: 'Language code' field value is not savedUILD-267Resolved issue: UILD-267Yury Barsukou
- Story: Disable functionality on Work Edit / Instance Edit screensUILD-264Resolved issue: UILD-264Doug Loynes
- Story: Use new API contract in the Instance Edit screenUILD-223Resolved issue: UILD-223Doug Loynes
- Story: Creator and Contributor of Work - Use new API contractUILD-222Resolved issue: UILD-222Doug Loynes
- Story: Edit form - Work block (Part 1) | WireframeUILD-218Resolved issue: UILD-218Doug Loynes
- Refactor FEUILD-214Resolved issue: UILD-214Tetiana Kovalchuk
- PLACEHOLDER: Edit screen - messageUILD-212Resolved issue: UILD-212
- PLACEHOLDER: Edit screen - Cancel action use casesUILD-211Resolved issue: UILD-211
- STORY: Derive New Instance based on existing InstanceUILD-205Resolved issue: UILD-205
- Story: Add new Instance to existing Work | Blank workformUILD-204Resolved issue: UILD-204Doug Loynes
- Story: Edit form - Instance block | WireframeUILD-201Resolved issue: UILD-201Doug Loynes
- STORY: Accessibility | Search readabilityUILD-200
- STORY: Accessibility | Search color contrastUILD-199
- STORY: Accessibility | Search keyboard accessibilityUILD-198
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