Doug LoynesDoug LoynesPO Rank
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XXXL: 30-45 daysFront-End Confidence factor
70%Back End Estimate
XXL < 30 daysBack-End Confidence factor
Not For ReleaseTech Design Ready
YesTestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: CasesTestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Doug Loynes
Doug LoynesPO Rank
Front End Estimate
XXXL: 30-45 days
Front-End Confidence factor
Back End Estimate
XXL < 30 days
Back-End Confidence factor
Not For Release
Tech Design Ready
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created December 14, 2023 at 2:37 AM
Updated January 16, 2025 at 6:40 PM
Resolved August 6, 2024 at 8:05 PM
Current situation or problem:
The Thin Thread relied on the most basic of interfaces to support cataloging workflows.
The Alpha release for the Linked Data Editor module (roughly scheduled for April 2024) will incorporate wireframes designed by the EBSCO UX team, based on a series of user sessions to understand the challenges and preferences end users articulated.
The module should provide a general 'look and feel' of other FOLIO applications, particularly FOLIO Inventory.
Search options and how they are displayed to the end user, should be consistent between FOLIO Inventory and the Linked Data Editor - but not identical.
Search results and editing mode will not be identical with FOLIO Inventory and have more leeway for taking a new approach.
In scope
Cataloging workflows inclusive of
search indexes
search filters
search results
advanced search
edit mode / create mode
contextual help / warnings / error messages
Out of scope
Data.Graph integration
Manager view of the Linked Data Editor
System administrator view of Linked Data Editor
Use case(s)
adhere to the search layout supported in FOLIO Inventory
where search indexes and search box contained in upper left of search screen
Search indexes
Thin Thread limited to keyword search of four indexes: ISBN, LCCN, Title, Contributor
Q: will the BIBFRAME module need to support a general keyword index?
Search filters
Filters will need to be available to end users for refining a search result set
A challenge for filtering is that Work entities and Instance entities have different properties that can be filtered on
Candidate filter categories:
By format
By edition
By language of the Work
By subject
Search result sets
Search result sets will need to support the ability to compare and select Instance resource descriptions and Work resource descriptions
Search result set screen will need to support certain actions and functionality, including:
displaying the full resource
comparing two resource descriptions side by side
selecting a resource for editing (and opening the resource in edit mode)
refining search queries
Catalogers have expressed interest in a search result design where Instance resource descriptions are clustered around corresponding Works
Advanced search
Advanced search will closely follow the design and format of advanced search in FOLIO Inventory
Inclusive of the index types supported:
exact phrase
Boolean operators supported:
NOTE: advanced search in FOLIO Inventory does not support explicitly building queries with nested parenthesis. Will need to fully understand how queries are parsed in FOLIO Inventory in order to replicate in the Linked Data Editor
Edit mode / Create mode
Edit mode will allow catalogers to edit all components of a resource description for both the Work entity and the Instance entity
Editing existing resources
Creating new resources from scratch
Creating a new Instance or Work by copying / duplicating an existing resource
Compact views of a resource (e.g. displaying only fields with values)
Full views of a resource (e.g. displaying all fields whether or not they have values)
Supporting fields with literals
Supporting fields with lookups
Supporting fields that are repeatable (or non-repeatable)
Taking actions on cataloging work (save resource, close resource, suppress resource from patron view)
Previewing a resource in RDF view; and in MARC view
Navigation within the interface (e.g. jumping to specific fields in an entity)
contextual help / warnings / error messages
Providing end users with assistance in to understand BIBFRAME/Linked Data principles and rules
Enforcing certain normalization rules for data input
Enforcing certain validation rules for saving resource descriptions (driven primarily by MARC validation)
Displaying warning messages to illustrate best or preferred cataloging practices, without preventing the end from saving a record
Ability for end user to see completed work
Ability for end user to see existing work / work in progress (NOTE: systemic constraint on 'work in progress' with FOLIO; the Linked Data Editor will support whatever is possible on the platform)
Ability to see graphical representation of productivity (e.g. number of new resources created) over defined time periods (today, this week, this month)
Proposed solution/stories
Links to additional info
To what degree will the wireframes conform with standard FOLIO iconography? Is there room to deviate where recommended by the UX team?
Accounting for design decisions that could impact the Linked Data Editor module as a stand alone application --> open source libraries available outside of FOLIO
Determine needs for basic search, specifically whether libraries need a general keyword search across indexes