Users App: Department Field


Allow libraries to assign a department(s) to a User record.


Fix versions

Development Team



Solution Architect

Parent Field Value


Parent Status




TestRail: Results



Sharon Markus September 2, 2020 at 1:47 PM

Cornell: a small group evaluated the options for Cornell with regard to Patron Codes. It appears that the combination of the Department field and Custom fields will provide the solution that Cornell needs. Testing of custom fields and reporting from them can begin with GoldenRod. Testing of Department fields and reporting from them can begin with Honeysuckle. The Cornell Patron Feed will be modified to accommodate the Patron Code reporting needs identified in REP-221.

Pending testing, it appears that Cornell does not need to implement Statistical Codes in the Users application.

Andrea Loigman December 17, 2019 at 4:11 PM

Data feed is the most common case, but far from the only case.

  • Some smaller institutions might not include this info in their feeds at all, meaning manual input may be only way to capture it.

  • It's fairly common these days to have faculty who have interdisciplinary appointments and grad students working on interdisciplinary issues. I've been at 2 institutions where identity management couldn't/wouldn't control which department is in the feed in these situations. Libraries will need to be able to alter field and lock it in these cases.

Happy to provide specific examples if it'll help.

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee December 17, 2019 at 3:52 PM

Hi Khalilah, suggest taking that proposal to RA. I think you will find people don’t want it to be read only.

Khalilah Gambrell December 17, 2019 at 2:38 PM

and , I think this is my struggle with Departments. Same feed supports both. So if we do separate settings, same feed supports the same thing. Also I guess the other question is this - Does Users need a Departments CRUD? Is it enough to have the data feed populate Department value(s) in a User Record. So I propose - User record's Department field is read-only and can only be updated via data feed IF that is the common use case.

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee December 16, 2019 at 1:52 PM

1. Correct.
2. Identity matching, reporting, and facilitating services. For example, if I know that someone’s department is history, which is on our east campus, I know the library they are probably most comfortable with is the library on that campus and can refer accordingly.
3. Yes. Using Duke as an example: If you are an employee (faculty or staff), you have an associated org key in your identity record that maps to your hiring unit / department, which could be academic or administrative. If you are a student, your identity record will have an associated key that maps to your degree program. If you are a student and staff at the same time you would have both.




PO Rank


PO Ranking Note

Even though Users will be making use of custom fields, there are a still few fields where it makes sense to just add them to the data schema.

Estimation Notes and Assumptions

Holly did estimates because we needed to get something set for the capacity plan ASAP and no one else was estimating this feature.

Front End Estimate

Large < 10 days

Front End Estimator

Front-End Confidence factor


Back End Estimate

Large < 10 days

Back End Estimator

Rank: FLO (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: 5Colleges (Full Jul 2021)


Rank: Cornell (Full Sum 2021)


Rank: Chalmers (Impl Aut 2019)


Rank: BNCF (MVP Feb 2020)


Rank: GBV (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: hbz (TBD)


Rank: Hungary (MVP End 2020)


Rank: TAMU (MVP Jan 2021)


Rank: Chicago (MVP Sum 2020)


Rank: MO State (MVP June 2020)


Rank: U of AL (MVP Oct 2020)


Rank: Leipzig (Full TBD)


Rank: Lehigh (MVP Summer 2020)


TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created November 7, 2019 at 10:35 PM
Updated May 16, 2023 at 10:11 AM
Resolved October 15, 2020 at 1:21 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs