Settings > Users > Department CRUD to add departments controlled vocab


A librarian wants to add the departmental fields that come from the University's systems to FOLIO so they display in the User record. A controlled vocabulary table is necessary to define the field names and codes.



    1. Scenario*
      Given Settings > Users
      When displayed
      I will see an option for "Departments"
      *Screenshot *

    2. Scenario:*
      Given Settings>Users>Departments
      When selected
      Then Departments menu should display
      and I should be able to CRUD Department using the standard ControlledVocab component as in Contributor type configured with the following columns:
      ***Last Updated
      ***Number of users

  • Name is the only required field

    1. Scenario:*
      Given I am on the Departments page under Settings>Users>Departments
      When I click New
      Then a new department row displays
      With name and code fields enabled to enter text
      AND Action column displays Save | Cancel buttons

    2. Scenario:*
      Given I have clicked New department
      When I enter values for department and code
      AND hit Save
      Then a new row should display the newly created department

    3. Scenario*
      Given I did not enter a name
      When name is the only required department field
      Then display the standard message below the name field Please feel this in to continue
      AND disable Save button

    4. Scenario:*
      Given I create a new department name [History]
      AND I have already created this department name before
      When I hit Save
      Then display a message under name field [Name already exists.]

    5. Scenario:*
      Given I create a new department code [acc]
      AND I have already created this department acc before
      When I hit Save
      Then display a message under name field [Code already exists.]

    6. Scenario *
      Given I click the edit icon on a department
      Then Name and Code fields should be enabled for me to edit

    7. Scenario*
      Given I click the delete icon on a department
      When no user has been assigned to the department
      Then show Are you sure you want to delete this department message modal The text says, "The {} department will be deleted. This is acceptable.
      AND if I continue with deletion
      Then show a toast notification that <<Department Name>> has been deleted.

    8. Scenario*
      Given you have entered some data in the table but not clicked save
      When you try to navigate away from the page
      You will get the warning modal about unsaved changes.

    9. Scenario*
      Given an Department field has users
      When you try to delete
      You will see the popup modal that says "The Department <name> will be deleted. With choices cancel or delete
      and when you press delete
      you will see a second modal that tells you
      The Department <name> cannot be deleted because it is in use Actually, no trash can appears if there are users assigned to the dept. This is acceptable.
      OR just hide the delete trash can when a user is assigned to a department.

  1. Scenario
    Given no Department has been created in Settings
    When I create/edit/view a User record
    Then do not display the Department field.



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



patty.wanninger August 19, 2020 at 11:39 PM


Khalilah Gambrell August 14, 2020 at 5:53 PM

, can you test this story on

Владислав Велицкий August 11, 2020 at 12:23 PM

, validation message was added in PR for and already available for testing on snapshot

Khalilah Gambrell August 7, 2020 at 12:47 PM

, when you hit save and don't add a code, you get this message. Is it possible to display the following message: Code is required?

Khalilah Gambrell June 23, 2020 at 9:35 PM

, create the permission user story in this project (ui-users).






Story Points


Development Team


Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 11, 2019 at 3:24 PM
Updated August 19, 2020 at 11:39 PM
Resolved August 19, 2020 at 11:39 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs