Loan Actions v2: Loan Action for Item Check-In
Potential Workaround
- 07 Aug 2017, 10:32 PM
- 07 Aug 2017, 10:31 PM
- 07 Aug 2017, 10:31 PM
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Michal Kuklis August 8, 2017 at 7:26 AM
@Charlotte Whitt thank you for testing this. I think the columns were renamed in so it seems like we should be ok here. I will double check the
Charlotte Whitt August 7, 2017 at 10:30 PMEdited
Manually tested in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.9.100441, using Chrome
The description is about 'Check-in' and then later in the comments from June 27, it is 'the loan itself' which is the check-out situation.
When looking at the loan detail page for check in:
Action Date - Date of check-in - is logged, but the column header is called Return date
Action - "Checked in" - is logged, but the column header is called Status
Due Date - No change from last action
Operator - Name of user who checked item in (the person who was logged into FOLIO and actually "scanned" the item in the check-in screen) - is missing. In Jira issue the column header for the operator called Source
See the three sceen dumps.
I'll close the issue, with the presumption that the new headlines are specified in later jira issues, and the missing operator data will be implemented with Loan Action "Operator" Data should be Name of User, Not ID.
Michal Kuklis June 27, 2017 at 3:48 PM
@Cate Boerema yes perfect. Thank you!
Cate Boerema June 27, 2017 at 3:22 PMEdited
I guess I never specified that in the first story, did I... Let's go with this for the first action (the loan itself):
Action Date - Date of check-out
Action - "Checked out"
Due Date - 30 days from check out date (this is just a placeholder - when we get loan rules working, the due date will come from the loan policy)
Operator - Name of operator who checked item out (so the person who was logged into FOLIO and conducted the check-out)
Does that work?
Michal Kuklis June 27, 2017 at 1:24 PM
@Cate Boerema I have a quick question for you. I'm trying to understand the workflow for each loan item. Would the first action always be "Check-out"? Thank you!
Purpose: To extend implementation of new Loan Actions functionality. Loan actions track the history of what has happened to a given loan. All loans have at least one loan action (for tracking the initial loan) but, as things happen to the loan (it is renewed, notifications sent etc) new actions will be logged against the loan. This story will focus on implementing the loan action associated with checking in an item.
Given the loan actions table on Loan Details page
When the loaned item is checked in
Then a loan action should be logged for the check-in
Action Date - Date of check-in
Action - "Checked in"
Due Date - No change from last action
Operator - Name of user who checked item in (the person who was logged into FOLIO and actually "scanned" the item in the check-in screen)