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Loan Details (Loan Actions): Add Item Status Column
Purpose: To add Item Status column to the Loan Actions table on Loan Details. This should display the Item Status that resulted from the action
Given the Loan Actions table on the Loan Details page
When displayed
An Item status column should display as shown in the attached design
Value should be the Item status that resulted from the loan action (e.g. if the action is Recalled then the Item status should be Checked out - Recalled)
Soo, I think this UI story is done, but the status displaying is incorrect. I filed for that issue (I suppose it's probably a backend issue, actually). Anyway, I am going to mark this complete because the column is there and displaying (I assume) what it's getting passed.
Cate Boerema December 7, 2017 at 10:26 AM
Changing status to In Review so it gets picked up for testing.
mark.stacy November 10, 2017 at 5:04 PM
Merged to master branch. I still have no permissions to push to repository. Thanks @Mike Taylor for merging pull request.
Jakub Skoczen October 23, 2017 at 3:43 PM
@mark.stacy is this something you could take a look at?
Marc Johnson October 20, 2017 at 1:51 PM
Hi @Cate Boerema
I unblocked this last night, as [CIRC-38] is sufficiently done (there is only documentation to add), but didn't remove the link to [MODINV-19], apologies for the confusion.
Purpose: To add Item Status column to the Loan Actions table on Loan Details. This should display the Item Status that resulted from the action
Given the Loan Actions table on the Loan Details page
When displayed
An Item status column should display as shown in the attached design
Value should be the Item status that resulted from the loan action (e.g. if the action is Recalled then the Item status should be Checked out - Recalled)