Loan Action "Operator" Data Should be Name of User, Not ID
Log into folio-testing
Go to a user with a loan
Click to view loans and then drill in to view the loan details for the loan
Look at the loan action
Expected: Operator column in Loan actions should display the name of the FOLIO operator who did the checkout Last name, First name (e.g. Boerema, Cate)
Sorry - you're right I missed that I needed to drill down one further step. I had no idea, and I didn't really get any hints about one more click was needed in the web design. But I guess that will be refined later, and now I know. Thanks for pointing this out, and I'll close the issue as done.
Michal Kuklis August 8, 2017 at 8:02 AM
this appears to be working fine in folio-testing. In order to see the details you have to click on the given loan. Please see the printscreen attached.
Michal Kuklis August 8, 2017 at 7:24 AM
Thank you for testing this . I will double check this here. It works fine for me locally but perhaps something is off in folio-testing.
When viewing loans and then drill in to view the loan details for the loans of a given user, and looking at the loan action. See my two screen dumps.
Expected: Operator column in Loan actions should display the name of the FOLIO operator who did the checkout Last name, First name (e.g. Boerema, Cate) in a column named Source
Actual: No Operator column is displayed.
It's not possible to verify if this issue is done. I'll re-open the issue.
Jakub Skoczen July 26, 2017 at 8:26 AM
Correct, the operatorId should be be registered as the current user that created/updated the loan object.
Log into folio-testing
Go to a user with a loan
Click to view loans and then drill in to view the loan details for the loan
Look at the loan action
Expected: Operator column in Loan actions should display the name of the FOLIO operator who did the checkout Last name, First name (e.g. Boerema, Cate)
Actual: Operator column displays ID