Denys Bohdan
Denys BohdanReporter
Claire Brocklehurst
Claire BrocklehurstLabels
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Ramsons (R2 2024)
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Requirements change
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Poppy (R2 2023)
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TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 24, 2024 at 1:06 PM
Updated November 25, 2024 at 1:36 PM
Resolved November 21, 2024 at 4:08 PM
Issue 1: When linking to an authority heading that has more than one of the same subfield separated by a different subfield, the quickmarc display groups the subfields by letter. For example, “$a Japan $x History $y Gempei Wars, 1180-1185 $x Literature and the war” becomes “$a Japan $x History $x Literature and the war $y Gempei Wars, 1180-1185”. The underlying authority record is unaffected.
Steps to reproduce:
Login to Poppy Bugfest as user folio
Go to Inventory
Go to instance
Edit marc bibliographic record
Look at field 651 - $a Paraguay $x History $y War of Independence, 1810-1811 $x Campaigns OR $a United States $x History $y Civil War, 1861-1865 $x Foreign public opinion
Click the link button and select the correct heading, and link
Look at the same field - the fields are now in a different order.
Expected result: The subfields will display in the marc bib record in the same order as in the authority record. See example 3 on this page for expected results -
Actual result: The subfields in the marc bib record re-order upon linking to group similar subfields together
Issue 2: When linking to an authority heading the controlled fields do not display in the order as the authority heading. For example
Authority heading 150 is $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels $v Congresses
When a 650 bib field is controlled by that field, the controlled subfield box displays as 650 $a Globalization $v Congresses $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels
Expected result: The subfields will display in the marc bib record in the same order as in the authority record = $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels $v Congresses
Additional Verification
Also confirm that these requirements updates are reflected when user is updating linked authority record via data import and quickMARC UI.
Testing examples
See wiki page -
Paul’s provided bib records are in this folder with authority records - Paul Frank examples
Additional examples
Uncontrolled bib field
Authority heading
Controlled bib field
651 $a United States $x Politics and government $y 1783-1789 $x Sources $v Indexes
151 $a United States $x Politics and government $y 1783-1789 $x Sources $v Indexes
Controlled subfield box 1: $a United States $x Politics and government $y 1783-1789 $x Sources $v Indexes
Uncontrolled subfield box 1: blank
Controlled subfield box 2: $0 value
Uncontrolled subfield box 2: blank
651 $a United States $x Relations $z Belgium $x Archival resources
151 $a United States $x Relations $z Belgium $x Archival resources
Controlled subfield box 1: $a United States $x Relations $z Belgium $x Archival resources
Uncontrolled subfield box 1: blank
Controlled subfield box 2: $0 value
Uncontrolled subfield box 2: blank
651 $a United States $x Relations $z Portugal $x Societies, etc. $v Congresses
151 United States $x Relations $z Portugal $x Societies, etc. $v Congresses
Controlled subfield box 1: $a United States $x Relations $z Portugal $x Societies, etc. $v Congresses
Uncontrolled subfield box 1: blank
Controlled subfield box 2: $0 value
Uncontrolled subfield box 2: blank
650 Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels $v Congresses
150 Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels $v Congresses
Controlled subfield box 1: $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Belgium $z Brussels $v Congresses
Uncontrolled subfield box 1: blank
Controlled subfield box 2: $0 value
Uncontrolled subfield box 2: blank
650 #0 $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Europe $x History $y 20th century
150 $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Europe $x History $y 20th century
Controlled subfield box 1: $a Globalization $x Economic aspects $z Europe $x History $y 20th century
Uncontrolled subfield box 1: blank
Controlled subfield box 2: $0 value
Uncontrolled subfield box 2: blank