Create/Edit/Derive MARC bib > Linked bib field > Uncontrolled subfield textboxes > Allow any uncontrolled subfield to display in any of the boxes


  • If a bib field is linked then allow a user to enter any uncontrolled subfield in any of the uncontrolled subfield textboxes. Do not restrict to only letter subfields for one box and number subfields for another box.

  • Updates should be honored when user updates linked authority heading via quickMARC and when updating linked authority or linked bib field via data import

Scenario 1

Given I have linked bib field 100 $a Johnson, DeWayne $d1972- to an authority heading
When I add to the first uncontrolled subfield box: $4 act
AND hit Save
Then display 100 as
First controlled subfield box: 100 $a Johnson, DeWayne $d1972-
First uncontrolled subfield box: $4 act
Second controlled subfield box: $0 value
Second uncontrolled subfield box: nothing

Scenario 2

Given I have automatically/manually linked bib field 650: $a Military art and science $2fast to an authority heading: 150 $a Military art and science
Then display 650 as
First controlled subfield box: $a Military art and science
First uncontrolled subfield box: $2
Second controlled subfield box: $0 value
Second uncontrolled subfield box: blank

Scenario 3

Given I have automatically/manually linked bib field 651 $a United States $x History $y Civil War, 1861-1865 $x Regimental histories. $2 lcsh to a 151 authority heading: $a United States $x History $y Civil War, 1861-1865 $x Regimental histories
Then display 651 as
First controlled subfield box: $a United States $x History $y Civil War, 1861-1865 $x Regimental histories.
First uncontrolled subfield box: $2 lcsh
Second controlled subfield box: $0 value
Second uncontrolled subfield box: space


Scenario 4

Given I have link bib field 100 $aDicks, Terrance.$0$4aut$4 to a 100 authority heading: Dicks, Terrance
AND hit Save
Then display bib field 100 as
First controlled subfield box: $aDicks, Terrance.
First uncontrolled subfield box: no value
Second controlled subfield box: $0 value
Second uncontrolled subfield box: $4 values


Scenario 5

Given I have linked bib field 100 $aObama, Michelle,$d1964-$0$1 to a 100 authority heading: $aObama, Michelle,$d1964-
AND hit Save
Then display 100 as
First controlled subfield box: $aObama, Michelle,$d1964-
First uncontrolled subfield box: no value
Second controlled subfield box: $0 value
Second uncontrolled subfield box: $1 value



Potential Workaround










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Trillium (R2 2025)

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Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created October 17, 2024 at 5:55 PM
Updated March 9, 2025 at 9:45 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs