Purpose: First pass at CRUing a Service point record. The focus of this first iteration is to rough in the service point object with the metadata that can have immediate functional impact in FOLIO. Additional data elements will be added later. Linking/assigning locations to service points is out of scope for this story (see UIORG-51 for details on that feature). Delete is out of scope for this story (UIORG-52)
User stories:
As a circ desk (service point) worker who has checked in an item I want to know whether the item is “home” (close to it’s selected location) or if it needs to go in transit to its home So that I know what needs to be done to get it reshelved
As a system administrator who is setting up the institutional calendar I want to be able to set opening days and hours by groups of service points So that their opening times may differ from the library as a whole
As a system administrator who is assigning permissions to FOLIO operators I want to be able to limit the scope of permissions by service point So that a user can have certain permissions at one service point and not at another
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then a "Service points" option should display
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When displayed
Then I should be able to CRU Service points (should use same UX pattern as that used for CRUDing permission sets, loan policies and fixed due date schedules)
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When "New" button is clicked
Then the new service point form should open with the header "New service point"
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When "Edit" button is clicked for Service Point X
Then the edit service point form should open with the header "Edit: <ServicePointX>"
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When the New and Edit forms are displayed
Then the following data should display as shown in the linked wireframe
General information - Read-only header, section contains:
Service point name * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Unique - "Service point name must be unique"
Code * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Unique - "Code must be unique"
Discovery display name * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Description - Large text box
Shelving lag time (minutes) * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please enter a number to continue"
Whole number > 0 - "Please enter a number to continue"
Pickup location - Dropdown with options:
Yes - Default
Fee/fine owner Dropdown with options:- CB: Per conversation with the RA SIG, we aren't sure this setting makes sense here. Removing for now.
-Yes - Default-
Given the Edit service point page
When displayed
Then the record metadata should display in the General information section
Record metadata - Standard record metadata component including the following data:
Record last updated - Date/time stamp record last updated (locale-driven format)
Source - Name user who last updated the record <lastName>, <first, Name> (comma should not display if first name isn't present)
Record created - Date/time stamp record last updated (locale-driven format)
Source - Name user who last updated the record <lastName>, <first, Name> (comma should not display if first name isn't present)
Given a new or edited service point
When saved
Then the service point name should be displayed in the service point list
Given a new or edited service point
When I navigate away without saving changes
Then the standard unsaved changes modal should display
Out of scope:
Assigned locations section with linking/assigning locations to service points (see UIORG-51)
Settings are not working today - will come back later
Michal Kuklis April 18, 2018 at 2:44 PM
is right here. We are using <EntryManager> for this and yes keeping it DRY as much as possible.
Cate Boerema March 27, 2018 at 8:16 AM
I don't think this one will be covered by <ControlledVocab>, but , and will be. This one will use the pattern (and also hopefully some of the code) that we used for Loan policies, Fixed due date schedules, Permission sets and, when it's implemented, (Locations).
Mike Taylor March 26, 2018 at 2:19 PM
It seems my worried on this point were unnecessary: by all accounts, these issues will mostly or all be done using the <ControlledVocab> component, which is as it should be.
Mike Taylor March 26, 2018 at 1:00 PM
This seems closely related to , and , and possibly also . Can we please make sure that we implement the relevant code once, in reusable component, and invoke it from all three or four places? Let's not duplicate it repeatedly, then have to DRY is post-hoc.
First pass at CRUing a Service point record. The focus of this first iteration is to rough in the service point object with the metadata that can have immediate functional impact in FOLIO. Additional data elements will be added later. Linking/assigning locations to service points is out of scope for this story (see UIORG-51 for details on that feature). Delete is out of scope for this story (UIORG-52)
User stories:
As a circ desk (service point) worker who has checked in an item
I want to know whether the item is “home” (close to it’s selected location) or if it needs to go in transit to its home
So that I know what needs to be done to get it reshelved
As a system administrator who is setting up the institutional calendar
I want to be able to set opening days and hours by groups of service points
So that their opening times may differ from the library as a whole
As a system administrator who is assigning permissions to FOLIO operators
I want to be able to limit the scope of permissions by service point
So that a user can have certain permissions at one service point and not at another
Given Settings > Organization
When displayed
Then a "Service points" option should display
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When displayed
Then I should be able to CRU Service points (should use same UX pattern as that used for CRUDing permission sets, loan policies and fixed due date schedules)
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When "New" button is clicked
Then the new service point form should open with the header "New service point"
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When "Edit" button is clicked for Service Point X
Then the edit service point form should open with the header "Edit: <ServicePointX>"
Given Settings > Organization > Service points
When the New and Edit forms are displayed
Then the following data should display as shown in the linked wireframe
General information - Read-only header, section contains:
Service point name * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Unique - "Service point name must be unique"
Code * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Unique - "Code must be unique"
Discovery display name * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please fill this in to continue"
Description - Large text box
Shelving lag time (minutes) * - Text box with validation:
Required - "Please enter a number to continue"
Whole number > 0 - "Please enter a number to continue"
Pickup location - Dropdown with options:
Yes - Default
Fee/fine owner Dropdown with options:- CB: Per conversation with the RA SIG, we aren't sure this setting makes sense here. Removing for now.
-Yes - Default-
Given the Edit service point page
When displayed
Then the record metadata should display in the General information section
Record metadata - Standard record metadata component including the following data:
Record last updated - Date/time stamp record last updated (locale-driven format)
Source - Name user who last updated the record <lastName>, <first, Name> (comma should not display if first name isn't present)
Record created - Date/time stamp record last updated (locale-driven format)
Source - Name user who last updated the record <lastName>, <first, Name> (comma should not display if first name isn't present)
Given a new or edited service point
When saved
Then the service point name should be displayed in the service point list
Given a new or edited service point
When I navigate away without saving changes
Then the standard unsaved changes modal should display
Out of scope:
Assigned locations section with linking/assigning locations to service points (see UIORG-51)
Wireframe: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R57v4dNxxWdKzXlcAZxmC4ULD817MMC5/view?usp=sharing