Delete Service Point
Potential Workaround
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hideTestRail: Results

Anya May 15, 2018 at 7:10 PM
It past the test but, the word point should be singular

Michal Kuklis May 7, 2018 at 2:29 PM
it looks like works correctly now.

Michal Kuklis May 4, 2018 at 4:07 PM
Thanks . It seems like doesn't have the most recent version yet in place. It looks like does and it should have these fixes in place. I guess we will need to wait for folio-snapshot-stable.

Anya May 4, 2018 at 3:28 PM
Well currently in snap shot stable I cannot even create a service point - it lets me fill out the form and when I hit create it does not actually create the new service point.
I think what was wrong is that the messaging was not what it was suppose to be in the scenario.

Michal Kuklis May 4, 2018 at 1:32 PM
Could you please describe in few words what was not working here?
Purpose: Implement delete for service points
User story:
As a FOLIO system administrator who has created a service point in error
I want to delete the service point
So it doesn't display as a service point option in FOLIO
As a FOLIO system administrator who has learned that a service point in the library has been closed/decommissioned
I want to delete the service point
So it doesn't display as an option in FOLIO
Given the Edit service point form at Settings > Organization > Service points
When displayed
Then a delete button should display as shown in the linked wireframes
Given the delete button
When clicked
Then the delete confirmation popup should display
Header: Delete service point see attached screenshot; there's no question mark CB: I removed the question mark, as I noticed we aren't using one elsewhere (e.g. deleting controlled vocab value)
Body: The service point <servicePointName> will be deleted.
Buttons: Cancel, Delete
Given delete confirm button
When clicked
Then the service point is deleted and:
The user is returned to the Service point list
Deleted policy should no longer appear in Settings
Delete confirmation toast should display with the text "The service point <servicePointName> was successfully deleted.
Given delete cancel button
When clicked
Then delete is cancelled
Additional info: See permission set and fixed due date schedule deletion process as an example of how this already works in FOLIO.