Item status change upon checkin: in transit


See also and the modals to confirm the status transition UICHKIN-41.

User story: As a circulation staff member, I need to know when items are traveling to their home location, so that I can accurately say where an item is.

Purpose: Items are not always checked in at service points their locations are assigned to. When this happens, the item goes in transit to a service point its effective location (colloquially, "home location") is assigned to, and its status indicates that it's not home yet.


  1. Scenario

    • Given an item that is checked out with no pending requests with effective location A, and service point B which location A is not assigned to

    • When that item is checked in at service point B

    • Then the item's status should change to In transit

  2. Scenario

    • Given an item that is checked out with no pending requests with effective location A, and service point B which location A is not assigned to

    • When that item is checked in at service point B

    • Then in the "status" column on the Check In screen, the system should display In transit <service point C>, where service point C is the item's primary service point. out of scope

  3. Scenario

    • Given an item that is checked out with no pending requests with effective location A, and service point B which location A is not assigned to

    • When that item is checked in at service point B

    • Then the status should be updated on the (now-closed) loan:

      • Item status should be In transit

      • Check in service point should be <service point B>

      • The action table is updated to reflect the status changing to In transit (this is the final update to the loan)

Notes: In conversations with the RA SIG, we have discussed item status and the benefits of separating an item's availability (e.g., Available, Checked out, or In transit) from what it's needed for (e.g., Patron requests) and if it is in staff processes (e.g., Staff search, Digitization). In transit is similar to Available and Checked out (both describe an item's Availability), so the anticipated complexity of an item's status is out of scope for this story.

The attached mockup shows the destination service point, but displaying that information is now part of UICHKIN-40.



Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Tania Hewes December 3, 2018 at 3:58 PM

If the item is In Transit to go home (to the primary service point for its effective location) then I don't see any logical reason not to allow checkout, in the absence of an "Open-not yet filled" request that might be filled by the item,

SMEs may know of use cases wherein the institution will not want to allow an In Transit (to go home) item to be checked out, but those seem like local policy decisions and shouldn't require a blanket rule that FOLIO would never allow the check out of an In Transit (to go home) item that doesn't have any queued up outstanding requests.

Hope that helps and doesn't muddy the waters.

Cate Boerema December 3, 2018 at 11:36 AM

I think the above sounds right, . It is an edge case that something would be checked out while in transit, but it can happen and I don't think there is any reason to disallow it.

I'm curious what thinks.

Marc Johnson December 3, 2018 at 11:17 AM

Scenario 5 of appears to be specific to the situation where an item is in transit to a service point for pickup by a requesting user. Where we allow the requester to check the item out prior to it being received at the intended pickup service point?

Are we saying that could be generalised to any person can check out an in transit item, as if it were available, when there are no pending requests?

Hence Available, In transit and Awaiting pickup all allow check out (only Checked out stops it).

And the restriction is primarily about which people can check that item out, based upon if there are pending requests?

(Aside: I don't know how the requester who obtain the item, but I guess they can, maybe they pick it up off a pile before it has been processed as received).

Cate Boerema December 3, 2018 at 11:01 AM

bq Can an item that is In transit be checked out?

Hi . I think items that are in transit can be checked out. See scenarios 5 in .

, let me know if you disagree!

Marc Johnson December 3, 2018 at 10:24 AM

Silly question time. When an item is In transit

  • Can it be checked out?

  • Can a hold (and recall, maybe) request be created?

I'm aware there are likely future stories which cover some of this, is there an interim behaviour expected at this point, or is it undefined and deferred until we get to those stories?






Development Team


Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 6, 2018 at 9:19 PM
Updated December 18, 2018 at 2:13 PM
Resolved December 11, 2018 at 9:17 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs