Print Transit Slip at Check-in


Purpose: When an item is checked-in a one location, but it needs to be routed to another location, a staff slip should print automatically at check-in so the circulation desk user knows it needs to be routed to a different location. There are three use cases:

  1. It's checked in at a location, and it was requested by another patron with a different pick-up location.

  2. It's checked in at a location, and there's a staff workflow request on it (cataloguing, binding, repair, etc.).

  3. It's checked in at a location that is NOT its home location.


Scenario 1: . –

  • Given a check-in session

  • When an item is checked in

    • And it has been requested by another patron(s)

    • And it is being checked in at a location different from the the requested pick-up location

  • Then a modal appears with a checkbox labeled "Print slip" (see If the user checks "Print slip" and clicks "Confirm," then a routing slip is printed automatically for the patron at the top of the queue Display is defined by a staff member/user with permission in settings > circulation > staff slips (see

    • Question that came up during testing: why would the patron get a routing slip? Shouldn't the routing slip be for staff?

    • PDW - tester - notes: This item passes as the patron who is at the top of the queue's name is printed on the routing slip. The slip is not for the patron. See attached.

    • BUT, if the item is also in transit to another pickup location that info does not print on the slip.

    • CB: Okay, guys. (1) The scenario could have been better worded. The staff slip is not being printed and handed to the patron, it is being printed and populated with the data from the patron at the top of the request queue. (2) This scenario is completely not working. I wouldn't expect it to be working either, give that UICHKIN-49 (about items going in transit for requests) has not even been started. I am going to cross out this entire scenario, as it is covered in UICHKIN-49.

Scenario 2:

  • Given a check-in session

  • When an item is checked in

    • And it has been requested by staff for a workflow need (cataloguing, binding, repair, etc.)

  • Then a modal appears with a checkbox labeled "Print slip" (see If the user checks "Print slip" and clicks "Confirm," then a routing slip is printed automatically for the workflow need at the top of the queue. Display is defined by a staff member/user with permission in settings > circulation > staff slips (see

    • x - there is no ability to configure workflow slips

    • CB: Confirmed, this scenario should not have been in this story - we are nowhere near having "needed for" item states.

Scenario 3:

  • Given a check-in session

  • When an item is checked in

    • And it is checked in at a location that is NOT its home location

    • And there is no request for the item (by a patron or staff for a workflow need)

  • Then a modal appears with a checkbox labeled "Print slip" (see If the user checks "Print slip" and clicks "Confirm," then a routing slip is printed automatically for its home location. Display is defined by a staff member/user with permission in settings > circulation > staff slips (see

Scenario 4:

  • Given a transit slip

  • When printed/displayed at check in

  • Then it should contain the text and dynamically populated tokens as defined in Settings > Circulation > Staff Slips > Transit

    • CB: I recently tested the transit slip thoroughly and found many problems that weren't caught when it was first tested.
      Testers reading this might want to have a look at the bug write up to get a sense of how one ought to test tokens: BF-45 Anyway, we don't need to let this token bug get in the way of our closing this issue




Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Darcy Branchini January 11, 2019 at 4:19 PM

that sounds okay to me.

The first two scenarios will need to be addressed through other stories - and .

patty.wanninger January 10, 2019 at 9:19 PM

- can we close this ticket then? We can retest when Workslip functionality is in place, and when both a hold notice and In transit routing is an option.


patty.wanninger January 3, 2019 at 10:22 PM

We tested this before the holidays and had questions - can you clarify and return to us for testing.

Ann-Marie Breaux December 18, 2018 at 8:45 PM

- see tester questions up in the comments. Not sure what exactly to do here, or maybe you can test the first two scenarios?

Cate Boerema December 3, 2018 at 5:35 PM

Hi . I thought on an extra scenario which may seem too obvious to bother stating, but I think it's good to include. Thanks!







Development Team


Fix versions

TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created August 13, 2018 at 8:14 PM
Updated July 5, 2019 at 2:58 PM
Resolved January 11, 2019 at 11:53 AM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs