Emma Boettcher
Emma BoettcherPriority
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created September 18, 2018 at 3:56 PM
Updated April 8, 2019 at 2:45 PM
Resolved April 8, 2019 at 2:45 PM
User story: As a circulation staff member, I need to know when items have been recently checked in, so that I know they're more likely to be still at the circulation desk than on the shelf.
Given an item that is Checked out, with no open requests
When the item is checked in at a service point assigned to its effective location
Then the item’s status changes to Recently returned
Given an item that is In transit, with no open requests
When the item is checked in at a service point assigned to its effective location
Then the item’s status changes to Recently returned
Given an item that is Available, with no open requests
When the item is checked in at a service point assigned to its effective location
Then the item’s status changes to Recently returned
Given an item that is Recently returned, with no open requests
When the item is checked in at a service point assigned to its effective location
Then the item’s status changes to Recently returned
Notes: In conversations with the RA SIG, we have discussed item status and the benefits of separating an item's availability (e.g., Available, Checked out, or In transit) from what it's needed for (e.g., Patron requests) and if it is in staff processes (e.g., Staff search, Digitization). In transit is similar to Available and Checked out (both describe an item's Availability), so the anticipated complexity of an item's status is out of scope for this story.