Add accordions to the detailed view of the Instance Record
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CSP Approved
Potential Workaround
- 08 Nov 2018, 07:04 PM
- 08 Aug 2018, 08:28 AM
- 08 Aug 2018, 08:28 AM
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Charlotte Whitt November 8, 2018 at 7:02 PMEdited
Manual tested in FOLIO snapshot, version @folio/inventory 1.4.1000314, using Chrome
All looks good, and I'll close the jira ticket as done.
Niels Erik Nielsen November 7, 2018 at 12:52 PM
Decided: Add new accordion "Instance relationships (analytics and bound-with)", just above the holdings accordion, move 'instance relationships' – not to be confused with 'related instances' – there.
Charlotte Whitt October 15, 2018 at 1:50 PM
While testing I noticed that the accordion to be named Related instances is labeled Instance relationships.
@Niels Erik Nielsen - do you want me to write a bug, or reopen this one?
Charlotte Whitt September 4, 2018 at 3:48 AMEdited
Manual tested in FOLIO Snapshot Stable version @folio/inventory 1.0.3000236, using Chrome
All the accordions are implemented. And I'll close the issue.
The element 'Series statement' is placed in Administrative data, but need to be in the Title data accordion - I'll make a comment in and about this.
Update of the edit form of the instance record with the same accordions - I'll file a new story
Niels Erik Nielsen August 17, 2018 at 11:46 AM
Looks good to me and regression tests passed. Merged so should be available for review tomorrow (on folio-testing at least, snapshot depends on the outcome of nightly regression tests).
Purpose: Implement identified 'missing' elements in the Instance Record - input from MM-SIG working groups.
During the UX process most elements have been reordered, and more elements added - here the list of the accordions to be implemented for the beta release:
Administrative data (new). :check_mark:
Title data (this accordion is implemented in the edit form, but not visible in the detailed view of the Instance record) :check_mark:
Identifiers (new) :check_mark:
Contributors (new) :check_mark:
Descriptive data (this accordion is implemented in the edit form, but not visible in the detailed view of the Instance record) :check_mark:
Notes (new) :check_mark:
Electronic access :check_mark:
Subjects (new) :check_mark:
Classification (new) :check_mark:
Instance relationships (analytics and bound with) :check_mark:
Holdings (no changes) :check_mark:
Related instances (new) - @Tymoteusz Dolega please note no data elements implemented for alpha :check_mark:
Fuller description of what new elements to be added, and the re-order of elements, is described per accordion in separate jiras. Se below.
Inventory Beta - Metadata Elements, tab Instance record (compilation of the two documents listed below)
MM-SIG master spreadsheet, tab Instance Metadata in Inventory - all elements not check marked in column D (Status)
GAP analysis, tab GAPS - Instances - all elements prioritized 1-Go-Live in column G (Priority)