Analyse and implement 'missing' elements in the Instance Record - part 2
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Charlotte Whitt January 21, 2019 at 12:01 AM
Hi @cate - is closed with following remarks:
stories re. refinement of edit with use of look up features and two way dependent value selection is moved to UXPROD-1420
UX refinements, e.g. UIIN-364 on display of supplemental data from reference tables for three Instance fields in the Administrative accordion, is moved to
Charlotte Whitt January 14, 2019 at 11:25 AMEdited
@Cate, okay.
I'll move the further refinements as look-up feature, and new component dependent values in the edit form (e.g. statical code types and statistical codes, contributor term and contributor code) as part of the existing UXPROD-1420 for refinements.
Cate Boerema January 11, 2019 at 12:33 PM
Hi , it's end of quarter and this feature looks incomplete. I think you will need to split it:
Tag this feature with "split"
Create a new feature for the unfinished work and make a note at the top of the feature that it was split out from this one (this was requested by the early implementers)
Move any unfinished stories into the new feature
Mark this feature complete
Make a note explaining what was split out in the weekly status report:
Cate Boerema September 27, 2018 at 10:23 AM
, I'm speaking with Charlotte right now and she suggested the estimates might be lower now that work has already been completed. Could you please re-estimate, if applicable? Thanks!
Analyse and implement 'missing' elements in the Instance Record - input from MM-SIG working groups
Q4 2018 - Plan as of 9/12/2018:
The fields are:
Instance status (and thus 'Date status updated')
Mode of issuance
Cataloging level
Statistical code
Other fields that didn't make it with the Q3 2018 release () to be UI or UI ready:
Index title (present in back-end but will not be UI visible and is not yet populated)
Succeeding title (we may have the structure for that, but could be a design decision to make) -> UIIN-426
Preceeding title -> UIIN-426