Permission Set for Loan Policy CRUD
Potential Workaround
is blocked by
is cloned by
hideTestRail: Results
Charlotte Whitt October 11, 2017 at 3:40 PM
Manual test in FOLIO test version @folio/users 2.10.100028 depends on: users 14.0; circulation 2.1; permissions 5.0, using Chrome.
All scenario's 1-3 tested again, and all looks good. I'll close the issue as done.
Mike Taylor October 11, 2017 at 12:26 PM
Merged and completed. Can now be reviewed once more – or, at least, that will become possible when folio-testing gets unfrozen.
Mike Taylor October 10, 2017 at 2:43 PM
Should now be fixed:
But is of course blocked, in accordance with policy.
Mike Taylor October 10, 2017 at 1:55 PM
I removed the duplicate permission in
We will have to wait for that to get merged before it shows up in folio-testing; but, more to the point, we will need to have a new backend VM built before the duplication permission vanishes.
Mike Taylor October 10, 2017 at 1:49 PMEdited
Similarly, grep -h displayName */package.json | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
shows that "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies" is the only duplicate permission display-name.
Getting rid of the ui-checkout instance of
("Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies") will fix both problems, and there will them be no duplicate permissions either by name or by displayName.
Purpose: To create a logical permission set for Loan Policy CRUD
Given the Scan/Circ module
When enabled
Then a logical permission set should be provided called "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies"
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies" and no other permissions
When User A accesses FOLIO
The Settings app should be visible in the top nav
Circulation should be the only visible category under App Setting in Settings
Loan policies should be the only visible category under Circulation
Loan policy CRUD should be fully accessible to User A
Given User A has been given the permission set "Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies " as part of a custom permission set
When User A accesses FOLIO
Then they should have all rights normally conferred by this permission (see scenario 2) plus whatever additional rights conferred by their custom permission set.