2021-01-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes



@christine Tobias

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Sharon Wiles-Young

Andrea Mohr

Joanne Leary

Cornelia Awenius

Monica Arnold

Erin Weller

Mark Canney

Molly Driscoll

Amelia Sutton

David Bottorff

@patty K (GVSU)

Andrea Loigman

Brooks Travis

Laurence Mini

Martina Tumulla

Stephanie Buck

Cheryl Malmborg

Kelly Drake



Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


FOLIO Forum Announcement: “Getting Started with FOLIO Reporting” on February 17

presentations by implementing libraries

none today


  • Work together to compile list of in-app reports, along with relevant information - e.g., where to find them, permissions needed to run them, situations when they won't be available to run, etc.
  • Come up with ideas for documentation that we'd like to see be developed - e.g.
    • come up with a list of RA/User workflows, and decide which ones need to be documented

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jr1FM9KNVdWZVkx2HcpuDgdBZENsQk5U/view?usp=sharing (uploaded by Molly Driscoll) This is a document I started right around the Goldenrod release. I haven't touched it in a while, but it may serve as a starting point for in-app report documentation.

RA Documentation ReviewKelly DrakeMarcia Borensztajn is working on another draft of the RA docs - and they are almost ready for review.  She's incorporating some more information they got from Molly Driscoll. She would like to know who should "signing off" on the RA docs.  

She is planning to ask for the review in a week or two, and that is be completed with a week. Does that seem reasonable?

RA Areas and Signer
Circ log

the implementation process
Molly Driscoll : How are you planning to train circulation staff? (e.g. all together, by role, format, timing)

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


     We reviewed the documentation started by Molly Driscoll for Resource Access in-app reports (in Goldenrod), and compared against the actual working reports where we could find them. In addition to documenting the components of the reports, we agreed to create a tab for “pending development,” or wished-for reports. Erin tried to demo Claimed Returned, Overdue Loans and Refunds to Process Manually. Only the overdue loans had any data in the result set. Any filtering has to be done after you output the results to a CSV file.  

     We agreed that we liked this way of documenting the reports, and will continue working on documentation with this format. It was noted that the Claimed Returned report needs the date of the claim as part of the report. If anyone notices other elements that need to be added to any of the reports, please add them to the spreadsheet.

     Kelly Drake, representing Marcia B (the documentarian) said that reviewers are needed to sign off on the documentation that has been done. The areas are: Requests, Circ Log, Check in, Checkout, and Courses. Travis volunteered to do Requests; Mark C volunteered to do Check in and Checkout. Other volunteers are encouraged to help out with the remaining areas. Please notify Marcia through Slack or email.

     In response to a question about who is using existing documentation, Andrea L said she is looking at documentation related to Courses. Molly has added documentation to Acq/ERM (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/FOLIOtips/Community+Contributed+Resources). Brooks has created documentation oriented to student workers.

     Molly is looking for ideas for structuring training, in particular for the remote environment.

  • Jana: she is using the basic outline that was created for their library years ago, but adapted to Folio. The training is designed around two groups: Sysadmin staff and Circulation staff. The training is conducted online, and staff are encouraged to print out the training materials, which are sent to them ahead of time and can be used to take notes and serve as reference after the training; homework and exercises are included. The training take 2 days, and a Q&A session is scheduled for the second day. There are structured breakout sessions of up to 12 people. One challenge was getting the participants to talk over Zoom, but they got used to it.
  • David B: there was not pre-existing documentation when they went to OLE, so had to do it themselves on the fly. They used the train-the-trainer approach. If doing remote training, important to record sessions. Hand out training materials as far ahead of time as possible. Involve as many staff as possible in testing, since they will gain familiarity with the system and start at a greater level of understanding when you go live.
  • Molly mentioned that she is using the snapshot environment for training/exposure.
  • Sharon started with Tech Services training, taking them through the structure of records. It’s helpful to have staff create a list of tasks they do everyday and then work through to learn how those are done in Folio.
  • Kelly asked staff to create their own Users in Folio; one staff member took the initiative to start using circ functions with the self-made user
  • Molly said that short video clips a few minutes in length are much more easily tolerated (and effective) than an 1 – 2 hour long training session.